For those concerned about Jalen Hurts’ Week 1 performance:

For those concerned about Jalen Hurts’ Week 1 performance:

  1. I am rocking with hurts but i am becoming a little concerned . I give him a pass for week 1 new offense no preseason but it’s starting to feel like it’s been a long ass time now since he’s had a real great game . There’s no reason he shouldn’t torch this falcons defense monday night

  2. There were moments of greatness but there’s moments of “wtf are you doing” I’m gonna give week 1 a pass but we started to see it a bit last year

    Some throws he had no business making, finished game with 3 TO’s and easily could have been 5. I just hope that goes away, if he limits the TO’s our offense is legit gonna be unstoppable

  3. The last interception if AJ didn’t slip it wouldn’t have been an easy pick not saying an would have got it but it would have been a contested/collision at the ball.. at the same time he got lucky and could have thrown a pick 6 late in the game. Not worried but he’s gotta clean it up

  4. Hey, itd be cool if, since he’s so good at throwing in the pocket, Jalen didn’t abandon clean pockets for no reason.

  5. The thing is hurts played really good 95% of that game. The problem was that other 5% could have been straight up catastrophic, and he’s lucky it wasn’t.

    That 5% is very fixable things. It’s as simple as knowing you don’t need to play hero ball. I truly believe he will fix it and when he does he’ll be back to being an mvp caliber player. I’m still really high on hurts. But considering it’s been a trend going back to last year and we just saw our last qb not be able to fix the same thing it’s definitely concerning until we actually see him fix it.

  6. It’s funny how the larger NFL commentary thinks of Hurts as some guy who’s great when he’s using his legs / on-the-run and bad in the pocket, when it’s really the other way around. He’s kinda robotic with a good-but-not great arm; best within structure rather than out.

    His decision-making going back to last year has been a little concerning though. He’s great for 90% of the game but makes 2-3 really questionable decisions, which is all it takes to cost a game. I think fortunate for him he’s still pretty young by QB-standards and is just getting his first opportunity to run the line of scrimmage. Given all we’ve heard about how hard he works / studies, I’m still very bullish overall

  7. I’m still riding with my guy Jalen, 100%. He’ll do his thing and fix what needs to be fixed.

    To hell and back. Let’s get this W.

  8. He made a few dumb decisions but was otherwise good plus you know, Brazil and all that. I’m not too worried, at least not yet.

  9. Passer rating is a very bad metric to evaluate qb performance. Most importantly doesn’t include sacks. It also values yac yards the same as air yards and doesn’t include luck factors like dropped passes and INTs. It was a bad game for Hurts, probably should have had 4 ints. That being said have one or two bad games is not something to worry about. I expect Hurts will be much better next week.

  10. I mean thats why it was so frustrating. when he was given a lot of time its almost like he got in his own head and just said fuck it aj is down there somewhere

  11. Why are people so hellbent on defending Jalen to the point of scouring the internet to find stats to talk people into ignoring what they literally watched with their own eyes. Nobody questioned his passer rating in the pocket or against the blitz. He was very good there. You can probably find something that the worst QB in week 1 landed in the top 5 for if you look hard enough.

    I’m a huge Jalen fan and think he had a good game, albeit a bit rusty. He had moments of greatness, but he also throw two of the worst and most idiotic interceptions of his entire career in addition to throwing at least two other balls that should have been easy picks. He played great for most of the game, but he struggled seeing the field and getting the ball out on time a good portion of the time.

    Anybody that watched him play and isn’t willing to acknowledge that he looked great at times and poor at other times is lying to themselves.

  12. I’m not worried, we know he can cut out the mistakes as we have seen him do it. I think Jalen played really well apart from a couple of bone headed plays. He fixes those and we aren’t even talking about this.

  13. The 2 INTs looked like me playing CFB25. Absolutely inexcusable especially the first one into double coverage.

  14. The Eagles pundits are harping over those INT’s like crazy. “He can’t do that! Thats football 101!” I’m sure Jalen is more upset about them than they are, relax lol. Shane Haff has made 5 tweets about them alone. It’s week 1 people…

  15. I never gave up on Baker in Cleveland and I did think he got a raw deal in Carolina. I just picked him up in fantasy after Love went down as my only QB on the roster

  16. 1st Qtr: worried

    After 1st Qtr: not worried

    Ball security is the main thing, but I expect those type of throws to be fixed quickly.

  17. Clean up and center-QB exchange and eliminate bone headed throws into double coverage

    If eagles convert the tush push at the end of the game and get so much as a field goal on the drive where Hurts through the AWFUL end zone pick, we win 41-29 and not a single sole questions anything about Hurts or the rest of the offense.

    Just sayin’

    We’re okay. Offense will carry us. Need to make sure the defense can get to the QB

  18. At least he’s better against the blitz than he was last year. He was straight up shit against the blitz. That’s why every defense did it to him lol

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