Tim Hardaway wins Best Handles. Who is the best shooter in team history?

I will be posting top 5 “Best Handles” in the comments. The winner of “Best Shooter” will be the player with the most upvotes across all comments.

  1. This whole thing is tough cause do we choose based on their entire career? Or their heat career?

    Either way, Ray Allen for this one. Duncan is close but Ray has better career #s, very similar Heat #s (Duncan slightly better) BUT Ray Allen has one of the biggest shots in NBA history and the clear best shot in team history.

  2. as only a member of the heat, it’s definitely Duncan

    Historically, ray allen is the best shooter to pass thru the org. He is also a better overall player

    But the pure number and volume belongs to dunc, he achieved the most 3s in record time. if ray played on the heat in this era, I don’t doubt he’d have as many or more than dunc has now

  3. I’m gonna say Ray Allen. I think Duncan is close, but I think a large part of the argument for him over Ray is due to his sheer numbers, which are a product of the era he plays in.

  4. Duncan. That run he had from 2019-2022 was fucking insane lol

    Honorable mentions: Ray Allen, Mike Miller, Jason Kapono, Tyler Herro, Wayne Ellington

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