Draymond Green hits Jordan Poole with the Right Straight

  1. Nah, not gonna comment on the past, but I really hope JP can figure it out with the Wizards, I’m rooting for him hard.

  2. Lmao craziest part is how all of the other players just stand there and watch. Like kuminga looks over like “damn alright this is normal”

  3. Draymond Green is a colossal piece of shit. That is straight up unhinged behavior from a loser meathead that’s never been checked. Athletes have waaayyyy too much wiggle room these days.

  4. Shoutout to all the Ws fans that screamed til they were blue in the face that this wasn’t a sucker punch

    Edit: those fucking idiots are back(I’m sorry Ws fans they’re not all you)

  5. Aside from Draymond being a dick, this video shows how ridiculous of a wingspan he has. Dude still clocked Poole even though he’d already backed up multiple steps.

  6. Once upon a time, Draymond was my favourite Warrior because of his Swiss Army Knife skill set and leadership qualities

    Somewhere between the testicle-kicking and this incident, he became completely insufferable.

  7. Ya’ll remember when Dray attacked a college player at a bar in East Lansing and everyone just let it slide?

  8. Draymond won’t be remembered as a tough defender who played hard, his legacy is being a fucking asshole and a clown.

  9. Draymond Greene attacking people when they least expect it. What a POS. And yet Kia wants him on their commercials?

  10. Draymond is a bitch. Poole is like 4” shorter and at least 50lbs lighter. That was a kill shot and a bitch move.

  11. Anyone else remember after this happened Kerr was basically like “Well Draymond didn’t hit him for no reason” lmao

  12. Forgot just how bad the video is. It’s disgraceful the Warriors hung Poole out to dry and kept Draymond after that.

  13. I would love to see Jokic absolutely rock Draymond. Unfortunately Draymond likes to pick on people much smaller than him.

  14. Tiger punch!!!

    Knocked him all the way to the basement.

    Also knocked the warriors into mediocrity

  15. The line that Poole said to Draymond was “you are just Steph’s expensive backpack”

    Meaning Steph was just carrying Draymond. 

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