[9 QBR Games can’t be a thing we accept]Can Jameis Winston be the next Geno Smith?

[9 QBR Games can’t be a thing we accept]Can Jameis Winston be the next Geno Smith?

  1. I like Quincy’s videos. Must watch post game.

    I don’t think anyone doubts that Winston would play well here. Its just will he get the opportunity to try.

    I don’t see Kev sitting Watson down unless the league mandates it. Too much ego and pride for Haslam, etc ties up in Watson playing.

  2. Honestly so glad I discovered his channel! He’s become a daily watch/listen for me. Love that Q and Colb are back to talk about the week!

  3. At this point I just want to be done with this. I honestly could care less of Watson is ever good again.

  4. I’m really keen on seeing what Jamies can do in Cleveland. I’ve always been bullish on him as a pro QB. The sooner we see the switch the better 🤞🏼

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