Monti make the call…

Monti make the call…

  1. We didn’t want to pay him before… not sure we wanna give up assets and have to give him a huge payday now…

  2. I just don’t see it happening. I’m sure they’ve already talked to the jets/ Haasons agent. If he were coming to AZ it would have happened by now

  3. Guys. They’re trying to roll over the extra cap to next year and sign guys in the offseason. There won’t be any big moves during the year this year.

  4. No. I’m staring to see why we let him go in the first place. He’s not worth what he’s asking, and is a massive drama queen. He hasn’t even seen any kind of camp , so he wouldn’t even be able to contribute for a few weeks, at that point he’d be about useless.

  5. Yeah let’s get stuck with a soon to be 30 year old who’s asking to be paid $20 million a year into his mid 30s. Pass. There’s a reason nobody wants to extend him.

  6. Monti wouldn’t make a big move like that, he likes his mediocre 28 year old below average players and UDFAs.

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