Logan Webb admits to severe hangover during MLB All-Star Game

Logan Webb admits to severe hangover during MLB All-Star Game

  1. > “The best part was the night before the All-Star Game,” Webb said. “I got to watch the Home Run Derby and hang out with these guys … It was probably one of the more hungover days I’ve been. The day of the All-Star Game. I take responsibility for that. I was having a blast. It was a cool experience, I was watching the Derby, they had a postgame players’ celebration, a party for the players and their families. It was in the middle of the Cowboys stadium, Lil Jon is DJing.

    > “It’s free alcohol, I just enjoyed it. I didn’t enjoy when my wife woke me up at seven in the morning and said ‘Hey, I’ve got to get my makeup done right now’ and I was like ‘Oh no, this is going to be a long day.’ And it was a long day.”

    > Webb, still hungover, was called on to pitch the bottom of the third inning. Simply put, it was a struggle.

    > ‘I go from the bullpen and I jog out to the mound and the only thing I’m thinking is ‘don’t throw up, don’t throw up, don’t throw up, don’t throw up.’ And it’s a long jog,” Webb recalled.

    > “It was an experience. But definitely gotta take it easy next time.”

    > Webb surrendered three hits, one walk and three earned runs in his one inning of work in the National League’s 5-3 loss to the American League.

    > Fortunately for Webb, his teammates could not care less about his performance in the exhibition game.

    > “I got out of the game and I felt so bad,” Webb said. “There’s like seven million people watching, I said ‘This team is going to hate me.’ And I’m walking in the dugout and I’m going ‘my bad, guys, my bad, guys.’ And every superstar you can think of that was on that National League team is like ‘Dude, who gives a f–k.’ Everyone was like ‘who cares, who f–king cares.’ That’s all I heard walking down and I’m like ‘alright that makes me feel better about myself.'”

  2. I love that he was able to have some fun. It’s an all star game. Our ace puts in hard work! He deserves to have a chance to soak it all up

  3. I think people forget that these players are often still young guys who like to have fun and haven’t learned their drinking limits yet. I honestly don’t care if someone is hungover during the all star game. Hell, give them a beer while they’re standing out there. Would make the all-star game actually interesting.

  4. If he’s worried about throwing up as he jogs in from the bullpen he’s probably not a very experienced drunkard. He’ll get better.

  5. he said “”It was an experience. But definitely gotta take it easy next time.”

    dude, there will be no next time. hate to say it, but its the truth. and if there is a next time, i will drink a red solo cup full of beer

  6. He deserved to have fun. The game doesn’t mean anything. In his next appearance in the game he might want to limit himself to a couple of drinks if he wants to pitch better lol. These are the lessons we learn in life.

  7. We should just get rid of the All Star game. At best, you have a team of capable players and one or two of the most capable play in the All Star game only for everyone to hold their breath and hope it doesn’t disrupt their routine. At worst, your most capable player(s) is(are) injured.

  8. I still blame Trea Turner for not covering 2nd and Teoscar Hernandez for being a shit fielder lol

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