Hate seeing the head injuries. Hope Tua is alright.

Rivalry aside Tuas a good dude hope all is good.

  1. Hope the best for him, it was a scary sight to see. Glad he was able to walk off the field himself

  2. Seeing this almost made me cry. Of all people who didn’t need a hit, he needed it the least. Hoping he’s OK

  3. The wild thing is that he lead with his head. If there was ever a guy who at all times would actively not lead with his head it should be that guy…

  4. In light of the knowledge that we have now around concussions, this is always particularly painful to see. Hope he takes care of himself man

  5. At what point is the money not worth it anymore? Who knows what he’s flirting with by repeatedly bouncing gray meat off that skull.

  6. He had a bad night before that, which I liked. I hated how it ended. Sucks for everyone- especially dolphins fans and tua himself. 

  7. For real. Miami did this dude so wrong. Miami are our competition, not our enemies. I hate seeing this for anyone.

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