Post Game Thread: 9/12 Red Sox @ Yankees

  1. Don’t worry guys, 5 minutes before the end of the game some magical being came and offered me this walk off loss in exchange for winning the next 3 games and it only cost my soul so thought it was a fair deal.

  2. Everybody relax. Just gotta go 11-4 for the remainder of the season and there’s a solid-ish chance we see October. It’s just that easy.

  3. no way around it, that sucked

    but I gotta say, I think Criswell is owed some apologies. Kid pitched great, all you can ask for out of basically a 6th starter

  4. I know it wouldn’t have mattered realistically they would have scored anyway but I genuinely don’t understand how Cora so often chooses the actual worst possible option in certain situations

    Like as a guy who worships at the L/R matchup altar, why the fuck would you not walk the lefty named JUAN SOTO facing ur trash ass righty with an open, irrelevant, base

  5. I turned the game off the second Soto’s ball went past the infield. I don’t want to hear or see the yankees celebrate after that terroristic display of bad hitting from our offense

  6. Disappointment bubbles over to fury when they do this inept, meek, nitwitted shit against the Jankees.

    We had no business letting them win this game

  7. Pretty cool that this season was lost over a 5-6 week stretch where the offense was excellent but the bullpen was so bad that a 3-run lead in the 7th inning was basically a tie game, and now that the bullpen somewhat resembles an MLB unit the offense is Tyler O’Neill and literally nothing else

  8. I really like Rafaela, but these at-bats he has are the reasons why he doesn’t get ROY.

    I mean the OBP is, what….280?

  9. I really don’t get choosing to pitch to Soto. I know Judge is up after, but for someone as obsessed with L/R splits as Cora, it really makes no sense.

  10. Casas and Story coming back so late in the season hasn’t done us a lot of favors. Idk if they’re still just getting warmed up, but Story looks straight up uncomfortable in every at bat.

    And Devers is once again cold at the worst time.

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