Get well soon

Get well soon

  1. Terrible to see him take another hit like that. Get well soon #1. Whether or not he plays again, hell of a career.

  2. How about instead of praying for his health, lets hope it’s taken out of supernatural hands and humans do what should have been done the last time this happened, and refuse to let him play. It was absurd then, it’s even more absurd now

  3. He’s gotta retire. The next one could be his last. I pray he retires, we don’t need another young man turning his brain into mush.

  4. I wish him the best but Jesus fucking christ when is this guy gonna fucking learn? Someone with his concussion history is the LAST motherfucker who should be diving head first on a scramble to pick up an extra yard.

    Like he has to take responsibility for this one bro, he launched his own head into the defender

  5. Either he’s gotta retire or the league has to step in and do something. He seemingly cannot learn how to slide properly or avoid head contact for whatever reason

  6. This guy needs to learn how to slide. He uses his noggin like a battering ram and it’s disturbing to see him get his ass obliterated every year.

  7. As much of a joy he’s been to watch, he needs to hang it up. It will be criminal of Miami to expect him to come back. Some things just aren’t worth a lifetime of bad health. He’s made his money and I’m sure he’ll get a good chunk of that contract if he retires. I hope this is the last time we see him play and he gets to enjoy the rest of his life with his family and children

  8. I know this isn’t much of a hot take but it might be time to call it a career. There is a life after football look at Andrew Luck as a prime example. Just hope he gets the help he needs.

  9. yea cause fins were so kind when mac got hurt that year . Tua should retire. for those 3 picks and for his own health.

  10. Diving head first into a defender. He probably should have retired before this play. He’s affected.

  11. Feel bad for him dude. Should’ve retired after that second one.

    Get better Tua, my fantasy team needs you!

  12. The Dolphins could use the last week to help start some pretty positive conversations in the US. I wonder if they will.

    If you see anyone cheering on injury, shame and report them.

  13. It really sucks seeing a person being so wreckless with his own health. The man needs to be protected from himself.

    Hope he has a speedy recovery, but I think he needs to seriously consider retiring.

  14. I really hope he retires, he has a wife and two young children, he has a lot to live for and more than enough money to take care of his family for the rest of their lives. His longterm health is far more important than playing football.

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