[Dan Orlovsky] Something that Bryce really has to grind on for the @Panthers

[Dan Orlovsky] Something that Bryce really has to grind on for the @Panthers

  1. I’m with Dan – I still am hopeful for Bryce. But there’s something to this, for sure. Look at that Diontae throw and ask yourself: is it a bad ball like it looked like Sunday, or is it just… out of rhythm?

    Bryce has throws where his actual *footwork* footwork is bad: he’s not driving his foot into the ground or his base is misaligned to the target so he can’t get power, and that is a common consequence of playing heads-up football and trying to make split-second decisions and split-second throws. He can clean that up for sure. But sometimes it’s just like this: a good throw made too early or too late, because his slow, backpedally drop doesn’t build in timing (i.e., *three steps and a hitch, throw to #1*, or *five steps, max 3 hitches, choose between two weakside targets and throw or bail*).

  2. We haven’t been a well tuned engine for a VERY long time. It’s up to Canales to tune it up and see if it will run

  3. People are going to harp on ickey for giving up the QB hit here. But I think Dan pointing to Bruce’s footwork highlights the other problem here. Well actually 2 problems. One is that Bryce is so far back after his drop that the edge rushers basically have a straight line to run to him. Like he engaged and young is like wait I don’t have to push forward I can just keep running and you have to hold me or give up the sack.

    Part of that is on ickey because he should just know where bryce is just from practice and his depth and the play concept. But also it just literally sets the tackles up for failure. And gives the edges just tons of open space to work with. Moton gets beat too a second later. Bryce has to find a way to navigate the pocket better. Not bail backwards. Not bail side to side. But step up and into your throws and naviGte that pocket.

  4. I felt the most consistent complaint about Bryce from the film crowd was his footwork.

    So I am very surprised it looked as bad as it did this week. Idk, I would’ve done a Josh Allen this off-season and spent every waking hour revamping my drop and footwork, because it seems like it was the major issue for him that we could easily identify on tape.

  5. Probably get downvoted for this – but all offseason all we saw in this sub and online from certain folks was how good Bryce improved, how the offense was clicking, and everyone supported sitting the 1st team players due to how good they looked in a scrimmage against the Jets

    It’s year 2 in the NFL – and if Bryce can’t get his footwork down now, he probably isn’t going to magically fix it now. He’s 23, played 3 years in college and played in high school. He ain’t fixing that now. It’s years of not focusing on it that’s going to bite him unfortunately.

    In college especially in Alabama when your surrounded by nfl level players – playing against guys at Vandy who will be working 4 years later vs playing, he did/can get away with bad footwork and rely on just being “better” than the guys there.

    Here, he’s being exposed – and it’s not his fault he was drafted #1 by a franchise that’s basically been broken since 2018. He isn’t in the most ideal situation, but he isn’t doing himself any favors either.

  6. Just curious, does anyone know what the average time to throw was? Did he make the magic 2.7 second goal?

  7. 5 days. That’s all it took for the hopium heads to come out of rehab and start using again. Bryce is going to beat that addiction out of you one game at a time.

  8. He doesn’t set his feet because he can’t see. He can’t see over nfl linemen. He can’t drop back 3 steps and boom hit a pass. He’s gotta move his feet and work the angles where he can see the guys and usually that means making a throw without being set. He’s always up on his toes shuffling around. I don’t think there’s a fix for it he just didn’t transition well to the nfl.

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