KQED – There Is Crying in Baseball: Why It’s OK to Grieve the Oakland A’s

KQED – There Is Crying in Baseball: Why It’s OK to Grieve the Oakland A’s

  1. Not giving FJF that emotional energy

    Indifference is more powerful than hate. He gets nothing from me.

    When there is a new owner I can re-up my fandom

  2. I usually like KQED but it’s a terrible article. It’s like telling a depressed person, “stop being sad, accept change and be happy.” I don’t need KQED telling me or us how to feel.

    Sure they’re right, life is about changes. Things change. But man, it really doesn’t have to be this way with the A’s. John Fisher could simply just Sell The Team, make his money, and some other Bay Area Billionaire(s) could buy them and keep them here. What makes it extremely difficult emotionally for Oakland, the East Bay, and the Bay Area is that this team is literally getting ripped out of Oakland and the Bay.

    I’ll cry, and I’ve been telling everyone that I will be spending the last 6 games bawling. I have no shame in crying over this team possibly leaving. Going to A’s games have been tradition for everyone in my family, and we’re one of the tons of families where A’s games are tradition. I’ve been going since I was a baby. It’s like a piece of our DNA getting ripped out. Anyways I can go on and on, but it’s simply just depressing.

    Fuck John Fisher. Sell The Team asshole

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