[Shams]The Lakers and seven-foot center Christian Koloko have agreed on a deal, agent Calvin Andrews of Klutch Sports says. Koloko is expected to have an opportunity for a role in Lakers frontcourt after he receives clearance from league’s fitness panel.

[Shams]The Lakers and seven-foot center Christian Koloko have agreed on a deal, agent Calvin Andrews of Klutch Sports says. Koloko is expected to have an opportunity for a role in Lakers frontcourt after he receives clearance from league’s fitness panel.

  1. Sucks for us but a good opportunity for him. He’ll learn a lot from AD and lebron. Our front court is still a cluster-F of varied roles

  2. Ugh. Would love to hear whether we were even pursuing.

    So this makes the Thad trade even worse now right? Lost out on Nembhard and couldn’t even keep Koloko.

  3. Goddammit saw this coming but still disappointing. BUT incredibly happy for him

    Ulrich our C of the future 😤😤

  4. Happy for him. Seems a bit ungrateful though, no? After all Toronto did for him and the love fans gave him… Maybe I’m tripping and just disappointed 😢

  5. The mistake was paying the full contract for last year there is no loyalty in professional sports and it cuts both ways.

  6. JUST FELL TO MY KNEES AT THE WALMART. Realistically though, there was no space in our roster for him 😞😞😞

  7. Lakers is the best place for him. If he plays average , the fanbase and the media will put him on a pedestal.

  8. Good for him and it’s too bad the raptors weren’t able to get him back. But I feel like a lot of people on this sub have been overhyping him. He wasn’t exactly blowing people away his rookie year and he’s currently at best a 2/3 string C. And while he does have potential he is already 24 and who knows whether his health issues will reemerge in the future.

  9. Can somebody explain to me how this happens? Its not like hes not a good fit for us. We need defense. We need bigs. How do the raps allow this to happen? …and yes im aware hes “just a second round pick” but thats besides the point. This particular player we could have used.

  10. Can anyone rationally explain why he would go the lakers? Did they give him more money? Did he just choose the spotlight instead of his OG team?

    Someone pls explain, im ruined

  11. I was high on CK, but I’m higher on Chomche, so I’m hoping this means he’ll get development. The farmer will be an all-star, mark my words.

  12. Delighted that he’s getting back to the NBA even if it isn’t for us. Best of luck to him

  13. The Lakers, really? I’m happy for Christian but now I have to root against him, and I don’t wanna do that….☹️

  14. Kinda bummed that he won’t be back, but oh well. With the direction our team is taking, there’s gonna be no shortage of prospects developing on our team in the near future. Can’t really get hung up on one guy. Hope he establishes himself in the NBA going forward.

  15. I recall from his Raptor playing days that his sister is based in L.A. and he spent time with her there. That’s likely a good reason he signed with the Lakers.

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