Getting Ready For Chicago Bears Vs. Houston Texans

Getting Ready For Chicago Bears Vs. Houston Texans

Former Houston Texans player Seth Payne discusses the Sunday Night Football matchup between the Bears and Texans as Chicago travels to Houston in Week 2 of NFL action.

  1. 1102 views only 150 likes, either there was a lot of Bears fans hawking any coverage they can find about this game or y'all slacking on showing your appreciation. Great stream!

  2. Holy crap what was that introduction!!!
    You make me remember mr Cody Stood when he was lost šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
    I know you can do better than that Mr.
    You have connections in tv media, ask them about how to improve your presentation

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