Did we just become best friends?

Did we just become best friends?

  1. i saw a video comparing chomche to giannis (vast overcomparison) so i fully believe he’s gonna be our next star

  2. Every year there is a “he’s the next Siakam” or “He’s the next FVV” lol this is our guy this year!!! he is him! he officially wins is the 2024-2025 “He’s raw but he’s going to be a Star some day” player of the year award lol

    All joking aside I really like this kid and he does have an enormous amount of upside but I love how every year there’s that one player that everyone thinks “This is the guy” lol

  3. Chomche has way higher potential. What’s the best case scenario for Koloko? Solid rotation big? It’s a loss, but it’s not a *huge* loss. I mean, it’s not like they picked one player over the other to keep, so this is only for comparing the two players’ ability.

    It remains to be seen if Chomche can even be an NBA player, but it’s not like Koloko is a sure thing, either.

    Regardless, I’m not going to lose sleep over losing Koloko. I do wish him the best, though.

  4. This infatuation with african players who are borderline NBA players at best really demonstrates how far we’ve fallen in the years since our championship.

    Chomche is at least 2-4 years of development away from being anything resembling a serviceable nba player, and Koloko quite literally has never been one.

    Stop pretending that the residue left at the bottom of the draft will develop into another Siakam, we got lucky with him, most second round players never become anything. Our player development is not nearly as amazing as people on this sub think it is.

    Ibaka was a huge part of Siakam’s development, as was Lowry to FVV. We do not have the same kind of tutelage for Chomche.

    If we want to build another championship team we need lottery picks and good trades, we need to acquire real talent.

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