[Simmons]The Jags are a coaching abomination.

[Simmons]The Jags are a coaching abomination.

  1. Maybe Howie Roseman, the consensus best GM in the league, knew what he was doing? 

    Novel concept right? Credit to Pederson for winning his Super Bowl but the fact Belichick benched Butler seems more and more impactful by the day.

    It’s borders on farcical that we’re a professional NFL franchise and nobody outside of the locker room knows who is calling plays.

  2. Taking two timeouts on a drive of 1st and goal from the 1 and ending up on the 4 yard line is insane.

    We clearly are slow getting the play in. Slow at reading it, etc. and the only thing we have to do honestly is run a QB sneak. It doesn’t always have to be some cute play call, we have a 6’6 QB. Push his as in and be done.

    Through 2 games we’ve called no QB sneaks on 3 different drives that have gotten to the 1, all 3 drives ended in field goals

  3. Can’t agree more. I feel like Neilson’s hands are tied too. When the time of possession is that lopsided you can’t overcome that as a DC. The play calling has been clunky. 0 scheme 100% all hubris

    EDIT: Not sure if it was clear, I am shaming Doug and Press. Praising Neilsen for what he’s done so far.

  4. It’s just so disappointing lol. We can talk about the record starting on the back half of last season, but if we’re honest there really hasn’t been a moment in this regime where the Jags have looked like a fully competent, cohesive unit. Even when we were 8-3.

    It kinda feels like they hired Doug to be a proven veteran that could immediately raise the floor of the complete disaster Urban left, and surround him with young minds like Press and Caldwell to keep the offense innovative.

    While there was a noticeable shift upwards (which was kind of a given considering we were a bottom 5 team in NFL history under Urban), the growth stagnated pretty quickly and the team reached its ceiling far sooner than they should’ve. They scapegoated Caldwell last year and chalked up the collapse to a defense issue, which isn’t totally incorrect. But Nielsen has been great so far and it’s very clear the play-calling is lazy, predictable, and doesn’t do a thing to maximize the talent of this group. Doug wants SO badly for Press Taylor to be the next great coaching mind and it’s been an utter disaster every single week. Press needs to be gone ASAP and if Doug isn’t willing to make that call, he needs to go too

  5. Guess what, you people that were crowning Neilsen are wrong too.

    Hes gotta be one of the more overrated hires by this franchise ever. WTF has he ever accomplished? Oooh, got an Atlanta defense to overachieve a little to a #11 ranking? Big F’n deal. And even in that year nobody says anything about his defense blowing the season in the final 2 games with the division title on the line as his defense gave up 37 and 48 points back to back.

    His defense last week seemed to catch Miami off guard initially probably because Miami had no tape. But it still gave up quite a few huge plays of chunk yardage in that game including an inexcusable 80 yard TD and the game winning FG drive of 40 yards. Buffalo also showed the next week that Miami was probably not as good as hyped.

    His defense today set the whole tone as they let Cleveland jump out to a big lead. His defense also sucks at forcing turnovers and seems to be very Del Rio’esque as it’s very vanilla and if the front 4 don’t get there, there’s rarely ever good blitz design or a lot of trying to find other ways of disrupting the QB than the basic vanilla scheme.

    Say what you want about Caldwell but his defenses routinely and consistently forced turnovers. When it happens that frequently it’s not just dumb luck. We’re still waiting for our first forced turnover this year after 2 games of Neilsen’s “try hard basic vanilla crap”

  6. Seriously, who is calling the plays?

    In August, Shad Kahn made his expectations clear. He wanted Doug to call the plays. It is Doug’s team to choose a play caller, but this mystery who calls the plays is stale. Doug hasn’t directly said he was or wasn’t calling plays and the same for Press. Whatever it is, our team deserves better. For the first time in a LOOONG time, we have a stacked team, and it is being wasted due to dysfunctional leadership.

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