Another easy round, Nate takes it. Who’s the slowest Av ever?

Another easy round, Nate takes it. Who’s the slowest Av ever?

  1. Having watched live games every season since ‘99, I can say with absolute certainty that it’s Peter Worrell, but I’m thinking people may not remember. As a side note NOBODY on this team in the last 5 years is as slow as the slow guys of the 90s-early

  2. P.A Parenteau

    I liked him when he played with us for a couple years but they for whatever reason sometimes put him as the point man on the power play and if the puck ever got past him it was just doomed cause dude was slow as molasses

  3. Been watching since the team got to Colorado, and Peter Worrell may be the worst “pro” skater I’ve ever seen.

  4. Brad Stewart. Made it look so hard. Gave new meaning to “skates in oatmeal”.

    Everyone forgets about him, for good reason, but he’s the easy answer here.

  5. Peter Worrell. Maybe there’s fans here who never saw him. Kurtis McDermid is 100x the skater of peter worrell. I just googled and I cannot find a single clip of him that wasn’t a fight.

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