This is why Chicago can’t have nice things…

This is why Chicago can’t have nice things…

  1. It’s not the line so much the calls every call I am calling from my living room watching this offense casually. The Texans can see it much easier.

  2. It’s insane that have a GM that was a former OL, and the OL is this bad, for this many years. If I were Poles I would draft 3-4 O-line in the first 4 rounds next year, since he doesn’t want to get good talent from what has been available.

  3. If this is the game plan run run screen JF1 would be a better option since he’s usually the best rb on the field.

  4. I literally feel like I am watching a game from last year but with worse rushing. Swift, screens, and dump passes are not the answer obviously. I mean I don’t get the repeat and maybe it will be different this time mentality.

  5. The ints by Caleb have been some desperation balls cuz he’s starting to feel like he’s gotta make the world of every play. Offensive line is god awful, I’ve never seen so many behind the LOS passes. Waldron needs to stop dreaming about Gerald Everett

  6. Pretty sure a D-3 college team could run over this line.


    And Swift has been abysmal. Not even like the line is run blocking.

  7. I really do feel sorry for any QB that comes to the bears it seems like it’s always the same shit there’s no way that it’s always the QBs fault every single year for the last 40 ish years

  8. Shame on me for thinking this team would be any different. New QB, new OC, crappy OL. Rinse and repeat.

  9. This sums it up and why I thought they should have kept Fields and used the picks for OL.  It doesn’t matter how good CW can be he’s just going to get killed like every QB since forever.

  10. I spent so many years cussing about the billion screen passes they always ran.

    What I wouldn’t give for an effective screen pass with this wet toilet paper esque offensive line

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