Actually love how humble this guy is

The fact that he said “we’ll see where Jordan is at” shows you what kind of player he is. Not trying to be a superstar a try to cause qb drama. Really like this guy, hope he eventually gets a QB1 opportunity somewhere else.

Actually love how humble this guy is
byu/Jackaboy_abc inGreenBayPackers

  1. I think Willis definitely earned the backup roll and I love how he played today. Love his attitude and we’re lucky to have him. 1-1 and still in it

  2. Dude can collect a check and back up Love as long as he wants. LaFleur also looks like a genius after that win today.

  3. I will admit when I’m wrong and I was wrong about this guy so far. If he can keep playing like this, he is a solid #2. That said, the play calling and everyone on offense stepped up this game to make it happen. Josh Jacobs is a goddamn beast. I miss Aaron Jones, but I’m not certain he would be able to rip off the runs Jacobs did today.

  4. He made me a fan for sure today. great attitude, looked calm and collected and even started looking confident to throw it down field by the end of the game

  5. It really fucking pisses me off when athletes talk about God. So they really think there’s a magical sky daddy that put them in a position to earn millions of dollars when things like human trafficking and childhood cancer exist?

    God is not real.

  6. First of, yeah I love him

    Secondly, you know these guys have a coach that lets them know whatever you say be modest thank everyone around you and if you believe in god thank him? It’s a cookie cutter response and it’s widespread across American sports lmao

  7. Hold up I’m trying to tell you…. HE WANTS THIS TO HAPPEN (GUESS WHO).. This energy you came in the year with and how much you believe this is real. I love y’all.. WITH ALL THATS political shit THAT IS trying to distract everyone who believe we CAN WIN IT ALL!! Wisconsin needs this.. More than anything. This is our year. If you live in Wisconsin GOD BLESS YOU.

  8. He really seems like a guy who knows he is in the best situation for himself right now for where he is in his career path, which is a skill in and of itself. Most young QB2s pray for any kind of shot as a starter, let alone one in an offense with a well regarded, offensive-minded head coach that is going to spend day and night trying to put him in a position to succeed.

    I really like the decision to let Malik throw the ball a little bit more in the 4th too. Not only will that give Malik some confidence to build off of moving forward, I imagine it’s also going to give the Titans at least a slight pause in their game prep this week. Malik has some real talent, and assuming he continues to show signs of competency in this offense for as long as Jordan is out, I’ll feel confident having him as Jordan’s backup for however long he is on the roster (which if that trajectory continues, I doubt will be for very long)

  9. This, ultimately, speak more of the organization than the guy itself.. I mean, he just spoke our values out loud. That´s what we are, a people team, he did well because we, as an org, trust in each other, believe in each other… if this game was an L and he´d anyhing diferent i´d be mad….

  10. one thing i love about the packers is that we always have good dudes on the team, makes it a whole lot easier to root for players like malik, jayden reed, rashon gary, jordan love…

  11. Love this guy.  Now I know why they got him.  He has ability but attitude goes a long way. 

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