#14: worst goalie

#14: worst goalie

  1. Like ive seen Evgeny Konstantinov play for us. There are some real bad goalies.

    So im treating this as most dissapointing and going with Lindback. Hon mention to Denis and Smith for just failing to meet expectations. If you just want bad you can pick anyone from 98 till we traded for Khabby

  2. I’m going to with Mathieu Garon. Mostly because he was the Mike Smith replacement, right around the time Mike Smith was coming into his own.

    I’d also like to give bonus points because he was out of the league as soon as he was done with us, but Lindback kept going. Is it fair? I don’t know. I just remember being more pissed at Garon

  3. Lindback is the definitive answer, but Nabakov sucked. That said, we did have him when he was far past his prime, but I was so hyped for him. Huge let down.

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