Caleb Williams Appreciation Post

You know what I liked about Williams yesterday? I thought his play action was excellent. Some qb’s have that tricksy play action that is hard for the D to read. Hopefully he has that. Also, he did a good job on that option read. Finally, he looked more comfortable than he did last week. His short and medium throws looked good (overall).

  1. Ya it’s a rockier start than we wanted from him but from week 1 to last nights game I see small strides of improvement.

    Every week he’ll be working out the wrinkles and I’m really looking forward to what he becomes by the end of the season. We have an easy stretch of the schedule these coming weeks, hopefully we can win some games from our offense and get him making bigger strides.

  2. last night was rough, but one positive for me was no batted balls this time. seems like a little thing, but it was super frustrating week 1 and caleb apparently had that problem throughout training camp too. (it also gave me huge war flashbacks since that was also a big problem with fields too, lmao)

  3. It was one play, but I liked the slant to Moore last night. Put it right where Moore could get it on the run and get the first down. Felt like we got maybe one of those a year with Fields and Getsy.

  4. I honestly don’t know how to feel. It’s only two weeks in the season, but man do we look like a turd of an offense. I feel we need to figure out plays that are not a screen or RB toss every first play. Every series seemed like the first two plays were absolutely useless.

  5. 2 games and 2 picks, one of which felt like more of an arm punt on third and long which I don’t count as much.

    He’s protecting the ball and showing poise even in a collapsing pocket. His releases are fast.

    We were missing our dink and dunk slot specialist in a game where we needed him most.

    I will not worry about him unless I see him majorly regress week to week.

  6. In 25 years of NFL history as a sample size the quarterbacks who do well consistently are the ones drafted into coaching systems that develop a good culture and keep people. Giving the players and the talent time! Relax Chicago! This offense will be good!

  7. I’m still hyped for him. I’ve seen so many ppl/media outlets wanna be the first to call him a bust for some reason but why won’t say how the first two games have been tough opponents. Texans are a top afc team and the titans should be 2-0 but levis is fumbling the bag hard.

  8. I’ve been saying it since he got drafted…

    None of us know how good he’ll end up being. There’s so many factors outside of his control that’ll factor into whatever his finished product will go down as. We hope the bears don’t shit the bed so bad that it fucks Caleb the way Mitch and Justin got fucked.

    Ultimately both may have sucked regardless and Caleb is no different. But so far none of them have had a fair chance. Fortunately for Caleb there’s still time to give him a fighter’s chance.

    Either way, he has the raw ability to be a good QB. He makes good throws when he has time and can throw with some anticipation. The foundation is there. I believe several of the throws yesterday were due to bad receiver reads. Like the toss on 4th and 17 to Rome. That looked like Rome didn’t turn where he should’ve. Those things are expected from rookies.

  9. He played way better. Got out of hand when they realized our running game offered no threat and they could just pin their ears back

    They need to incorporate more motion and get the running game going and all will be well

  10. I wasn’t concerned and still not concerned but if I was concerned Moores body language would concern me

  11. Man, when he was able to get the ball out in under the 2.5 seconds he was pretty damn good.

    The colander of an O line has always been a Bears issue.

    Everyone says we never had a “quarterback” um, Tom Brady would of been an “ok” quarterback if he had our lines over the years.

    We’ve never given a qb a chance because we always skimp on the O line.

  12. It’s almost as if playing QB is hard…

    This is a quarterback that has never played under center. It’s part of the reason the run game is struggling, and most of the reason for false starts across the line. The speed of the game is also causing him to play a bit out of rhythm. However, unlike both Trubisky and Fields, Williams has fast processing speed, goes through his reads, and is committed to becoming a pocket passer. I think we’re going to see his trajectory shift upwards by week six or seven.

    We can’t become prisoners of the moment. Trust the development plan and hope it all starts to slow down for C-Will. BEAR DOWN!

  13. I’m actually optimistic. He seemed to have gained some confidence out there. He was throwing deep; it didn’t work, but it’s a START.

    He seems to have a positive attitude, and that counts for a lot. I think it’ll improve once Allen comes back, and then receiving core gains a little chemistry.

    And hopefully the running game improves from non-existent.

  14. he’s just a kid. sure he played growing up but being in the big leagues he deserves some grace and time to learn and adapt. he’s talented and he’ll be what we need soon enough.

  15. I love you Caleb Williams. Don’t let the haters get you down. I’m behind you 100% and I’m sorry we still can’t get you a decent O line.

  16. He looked good when he wasnt blitzed. They just have to learn to have an answer for it. Its game 2. Relax. 

  17. Caleb definitely improved from week 1 and we saw flashes of greatness. Hype train continues. Bear Down!

  18. He will be fine if he can get more than .003 seconds to make a read and throw the ball. Have faith!

  19. I believe in Caleb. I also believed in Justin until the 2nd game of his 3rd season so maybe my belief isn’t a good sign. Bear down, FTP, in Caleb we trust (for now at least)

  20. Positive from the first half was that throws seemed on time, much better footwork, more accurate and overall decision making has been sound. Second half, obviously not as good but I think the reality is that his performance was better in week 2 than in week 1. My belief in Caleb overall hasn’t been shaken, but I do have to recalibrate my expectations for this year based on his offensive line.

  21. He looks like he belongs out there. I think by November he’ll be just fine. Someone in another thread said this, but this is probably what Mahomes would’ve looked like had he started his first year. Take a breath.

  22. I saw him wanting the play called in faster, but i feel waldron fell asleep on it..every time they got a play in rhythm, he wanted to go fast..missed execution but OC.

  23. I’m not flinching. Kid has had a ROUGH start. He’s a rookie. With a compromised OL. Two games isn’t enough for me to be scared yet. Let the guy play. Luckily the next few weeks look easier. As long as he grows in each game a bit, I’ll take it.

  24. caleb did so much better than he did last week. now last week he i wouldnt say he did good, because he only completed about half of his passes and didnt have a touchdown, but he didnt do bad either. yes there was a sack for a huge loss, but he didnt turn the ball over once, he kept the ball in play and the defense did the rest. but at the end of the day it wasnt that good of a performance. but against the texans, bro, he came out and went 5/5 55 yards, and finished the night with over 100. yes he did throw two picks, and that is his fault, but he was being pressured the enitre night, one of the picks he just escaped a tackle and wanted to get the ball out, but if he had more time the play could have been totally different. only if we had a good o line. but i seriously see him improving a lot in the next few weeks months and years

  25. Looking at the big picture, we’re exactly where we expected to be, 1-1.

    Beating the Titans was predicted by most and losing to the Texans was predicted by most. We’re exactly where we expected to be at this point. Let’s beat the Colts next week and keep going according to plan. Can’t get caught up in the week to week drama. It’s about how the season finishes, not how the individual games go.

  26. Wasn’t bailing out of the pocket and stood his ground. Made some real NFL throws. Although inaccurate at times I’d say he looked better. Quicker getting rid of the ball and was hurried most drop backs is telling.

  27. My positive outlook is so far it isn’t him he looks like a Rookie but a QB. Our Online couldn’t handle a rush from a D 2 team right now. And Waldon throws one more WR screen I’m flying to Chicago and punching him in the Nuts.

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