Jalen I love you bro and I know you’re a south Jersey/Nova boy but this visual AIN’T RIGHT

Jalen I love you bro and I know you’re a south Jersey/Nova boy but this visual AIN’T RIGHT

  1. Don’t the Eagles and the Giants have a big rivalry with each other? Lol this is gonna piss a lot of people off

  2. Brunson for Philly and Hart for the Commanders is the only thing wrong with these guys.

    It’s okay just bring the chip to the NYK.

  3. Thank god I missed this cuz as a die hard of the giants and Knicks this would have crushed me

  4. Our two biggest stars being Eagles and Cowboys fans makes me wince as a Giants fan, as good as they are

  5. I’m a diehard NYG fan and I’m not upset by this. It’s whatever. Nobody is perfect but Brunson is pretty close.

  6. I say this as someone who rooted for the Giants my entire life… dude could wear a “tom coughlin is the devil” shirt and with how much he’s changed the Knicks culture I still wouldn’t care

  7. I’m willing to swallow Aaron Rodgers as my QB to try to get a Jets title. This is like a baby aspirin by comparison.

  8. Small price to pay to enjoy him staring at his Villanova banners in a Game 6 after a hard bucket under a minute.

  9. I’m a Steelers fan but a firm eagles hater because I live in the Philly suburbs. The only thing worse than a Philadelphia sports fan is a Philadelphia sports fan that lives in the suburbs.

  10. As a Jets and Yankees fan who doesn’t watch hockey, I truly do not give a fuck. Indifferent towards Philly, all my hate is focused on Boston with a special shout out to those cheaters in Houston.

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