Browns Penalties thru week 2

We lead the league with a whopping 26 flags (2 declined) with FOURTEEN of them being PRESNAP which is ridiculous and a league leading 6 holding calls. Also a league leading 4 offsides.

Surprisingly we are 5th in number of penalties that we have been the beneficiary of.

  1. Our offsides/neutral zone infractions are always going to be high with 95 on the line — not because he screws it up often, but because his ‘get off’ is so freaking quick that it looks like he’s there early. It’s been a plague upon his incredible ability ever since he started here.

    Don’t get me wrong, sometimes he lines up wrong or does jump, but I’ll take the game wrecking and penalties over being tentative and safe any day of the week.

    The pre snap motion issues have GOT to get figured out. It seems pretty textbook but the league is being a bit ridiculous about some of them as well…and that penalty on D Hop was maddeningly stupid, and obviously cost us a turnover deep in their zone. Can anyone explain to me what benefit a team gets with the kicker crossing the 50 yard line on a kick before its touched?

  2. A lot of the illegal shift penalties just didn’t make sense to me. I’ve seen the eagles yesterday do the same orbit motion and even lean towards the line of scrimmage and have it not be called.

    I think a big reason they were also 5th in penalties received was because the ref crews were just inconsistent overall.

  3. The illegal shift penalties vs the Jags were really odd, that’s been legal motion in the league for years

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