Contenders or Pretenders – ESPN

Thoughts on Ben Solaks of ESPN's analysis through Week 2?

  1. I think it’s a valid perspective. There is hope for improvement but he’s not ignoring the fact our o-line is a liability at the moment. It’s a new system, so I am hoping we start to gel on the o-line. When that does happen, we’re going to start having some boring games that we win in the first half while we bleed the clock in the 2nd. 🙂

  2. Yeah, this is actually a decent take and not wrong about the offensive line. Going to have to be some improvements there for this team to contend with the big boys. Still not going to stop me from having fun watching all the stuff that is going right.

  3. I mean if we’re talking about Super Bowl contention I don’t think we’re there either.

    Our line is still bottom five in the league so far and our entire running game hinges on the heath of KW. We’re a couple injuries away from our defense falling apart too.

    I’m excited about this team and if we stay healthy I’m pretty confident we make the playoffs. Should be a fun season! But everything would have to go right for a Super Bowl and unfortunately it’s pretty rare to get that lucky for any NFL team.

  4. It’s fair. Our O-Line is going to be the limiting factor on what we do this season, and thus far it’s been very mediocre at best.

  5. It’s kind of how I feel about the team too though haha. If Haynes can come in and be better than Tomlinson or Bradford I’ll feel better but those two are probably the worst guard pair in the nfl currently

  6. I won’t fully believe until we see improved line play and results against teams that I expect to see in the playoffs. So far neither opponent has been that.

  7. Whe Abe Lucas comes back, if they swap in Christian Haynes, and as they play together in this scheme, it’s gonna improve a ton imo.

  8. Every championship team has some “how did that happen?” wins in their season – and also, teams that *only* have “how did that happen?” wins don’t become champions. So yeah, if the Seahawks are going to really get somewhere this season, they need to fix the O-line (at least mostly)

  9. Nothing wrong with that was said. This offensive line was ALWAYS trash coming into the season and it’s maybe worse than we imagined two games in. This team is fun and good but the OL limits this team to 9/10 wins IMO. Next year could be the year with investments in OL

  10. O line looks better this week although they still scare me. K9 will help running game as I believe charbonette is a good thunder change of pace

  11. I mean, it’s a legit concern. If we can get just one guy who’s not a total scrub on that right side I’d be happy.

  12. In truth, I’m not allowing myself to dream on this season yet either because of the O-Line. But the rest of the NFL have pretty bad lines right now. If by some miracle we could have a fully healthy line consisting of Lucas and Haynes (as well as Cross and Williams), I might start dreaming.

  13. It’s a completely fair take. Until we have stability at guard and right tackle, our offense is limited to heroics of our playmakers and runs the risk of injury. That said, we can definitely make the playoffs.

  14. Not an inaccurate take. Buuuuuuuuut

    What if, and hear me out. Chris Haynes takes over at RG within the next couple of weeks, and is a solid improvement over Anthony Bradford, AND Abe Lucas makes his return to form?

    Now we have an slightly better than average O-Line which is better than a bad one… think about it

  15. Can’t win championships without being stout in the trenches. We are a dangerous team if we can get our blocking right.

  16. Fair take, imo, and if i’m being honest about where I’m at.

    I’m really excited about this team–defense/geno looking great so far–but the concern about the OL is fair and it’s also just so early. Like, we shouldn’t get overconfident after beating the Broncos (looking to be a bottom 10 team at least) and the Patriots in OT.

    Regardless, maybe just homer goggles but i’m optimistic. The energy in this team just feels different this year.

  17. Take is pretty much spot on. It’s so hard to believe in a team with bad o line play, we need to build that line up and have depth.

  18. It is so unbelievably frustrating to see all of the resources we have poured into the offensive line over the past 5-6 years and we still have one of the worst lines in football.

    Have we found JS’s one blind spot?

  19. This captures the true essence of being a life-long Seahawks fan. I feeeeel your pain in my soul.

  20. The OL needs time to gain chemistry together losing Fant and not having Lucas sucked, and Connor is still working his way back into game shape. Getting Haynes more reps will be needed. Cross is doing great though

  21. I always love reading anything Ben Solak puts out. Has a personality and actually understands the game

  22. Like 25 teams in the NFL have a “bad” offensive line. And guess what? They’re never going to be worse than that first half against the Broncos. Seahawks o line will get better. I have a lot of confidence in Scott Huff, he’s no stooge.

  23. I mean that’s pretty much where I’m at. A horrible OLine js gonna hold this team back from competing, but Geno and the receivers are gonna try and drag the offense

  24. They aren’t wrong. The offensive line will be the reason this team eventually fails in certain games.

  25. This looks fine, more annoyed with all the power rankings having Seattle as the worst of the 2-0 teams and behind many 1-1 teams.

  26. I don’t think we will ever have a run defense akin to 02 Ravens or LOB era even, but if the run defense can at least be consistently decent especially against good O-Lines, and the O-line can at least be almost average, I then believe as the coaching staff gains experience we will have great success.

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