[Canucks] Statement from Dakota Joshua

  1. Get checked fellas can happen to anyone of us glad they got it and hope he’s better soon

  2. This is so shocking and heartbreaking to hear. The guy was coming off his best season yet and was one of my favourite players. To find out about this is crushing, not for the team, but the individual. Dakota is a standup guy that any team would be blessed to have.

    I wish him the best in terms of a speedy recovery.

  3. Good for Joshua being so open about this, and glad to hear he’s doing okay. Sucks for him and his family and though, that is very scary.

    The Canucks curse continues…


    In all seriousness, this is super scary and can totally happen to anyone. Super relieved it was caught early, and hopefully he’ll be back to 100% before long. This is a great reminder to do a little check every now and then in the shower, boys.

  5. Oh man… I am glad he got it checked and is now recovering. Get well Dak, hope to see you on the ice soon!

  6. Glad he’s doing well and recovering. I had a friend who developed testicular cancer, had a very bad time of it, lost one of his boys and even ended up in a coma for a while. It’s nothing to mess around with.

  7. Hope he has a complete + quick recovery. I’m nervous knowing that a guy only a few years older than me could get testicular cancer, even one as presumably fit and healthy as a professional athlete. I’ve never really been taught how to properly check yourself for this kind of thing either

  8. I had the same thing happen. Something seemed off and I wanted to ignore it. Decided I really should get checked and it was cancer. I was in surgery within 4-5 days and I am 100% in the clear. Was scary but ended up being a super smooth process.

    Check regularly and if something is weird, don’t be afraid to get it checked out.

  9. I think I watched Dak’s game 1 go ahead goal against Nashville at least once a week this summer. He’s a battler on the ice and off. Take all the time you need to heal Dak, long term health is way more important than hockey.

  10. Best of wishes Dak! Praying for a speedy recovery and cant wait to see you tear it up this season!

  11. I got colon cancer. It is “worse” than ball cancer. Hard to cut out your guts. Get your butts and guts checked if you are over 50 or genetically at risk.

  12. Shout out to Dakota Joshua for this statement. Excited for when he joins the team In the words of J-Roc, it can happen to you because it happened to me.

    The silver lining here is, it opens up opportunities for other guys in the lineup. Guys like PDG and Sammy Blais have an opportunity to earn a roster spot.

  13. Oh wow, that’s terrifying and unexpected. Hoping the best for Joshua. Had a friend in high school that has been in remission for a decade for a brain tumor.

  14. Good healing valiant warrior! Your health is most important, the boys will be ready for your return, no pun intended.

    Good thing he noticed an issue and had it checked. Good reminder to everyone, give em a tug now and again, just in case!

  15. This is something I have faced. With proper treatment he’ll be up and bodychecking in no time.

  16. Shoot. DJ was one of the biggest followers of “Embrace the Hard.”

    Morbid humor aside, prayers to DJ for a complete and speedy recovery.

  17. Fuck cancer. Glad Dakota caught it early, there’s always a low chance it comes back on him, but if they caught it early enough he has a 99% chance of being in the clear.

  18. That’s very brave of Joshua, to share such a personal piece of information with the public and the team’s fans. I hope his recovery continues smoothly and he has all the support he needs.

  19. all the jokes about this guy having big balls and turns out it was this/s

    in all seriousness, hope the best for this guy

  20. Check your balls. Going through chemo for stage 3 testicular right now. Not fun! Also if you have back pain that doesn’t go away it might not be back pain.

  21. Legit question for you guys (cuz you’re a bunch of regular Joe’s), I’m 35 years old. Never been checked. Never really been to the doctors or hospital. Rarely get flu shots (got vivid shots), like I just genuinely stay away from doctors unless it’s really bad.

    That being said, when is a good time to get checked? What age should I consider it? Like I said I feel perfect otherwise

  22. Hope he makes a full recovery. I guess it’s time to get a physical check up. Make your appointments boys.

  23. It’s really admirable of him to share this experience so others know to check. Hope he’s feeling better soon

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