Dakota Joshua cancer

Dakota Joshua cancer

  1. If it can happen to a healthy athlete, it can happen to anyone. Boys, don’t forget to get checked.

  2. I had an ultrasound down there the other day for some pain. Turns out it’s just a cyst but GD it was scary. Thought are with this guy as he heals from this.

  3. gonna check myself when I get home from work… hell might even check on the drive home in traffic… and you know damn right I am going to check in the shower and then again first thing in the morning tomorrow… cant be too safe

  4. Wonder how early they caught it. I didn’t even need chemo or radiation after my surgery. Of course that might have been because I cracked jokes the entire time and my doctors might have just wanted to send me away to die.

  5. Guy was a pain in the ass last playoffs, and now he’s being a pain in the ass to cancer, FUCK CANCER!! Hope he recovers and can come back playing stronger than ever,

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