[Heisler] RHP Christian Scott ( @chscott8 ) will undergo a combined traditional TJ ligament replacement along with the internal brace, what is known as a hybrid procedure, performed by Dr. Keith Meister, early next week.

[Heisler] RHP Christian Scott ( @chscott8 ) will undergo a combined traditional TJ ligament replacement along with the internal brace, what is known as a hybrid procedure, performed by Dr. Keith Meister, early next week.

  1. Well at least he got to throw some bullets in the majors and it’s not like we were planning on using him this year.

  2. I get that you wanna explore a lot of options, but seems like we could’ve figured out earlier that he was gonna need surgery. He might’ve been an option for late 2025 if he got the surgery two months ago, now he’s for sure out until 2026

  3. I think he needs to be a reliever. He never even got to over 100 innings in a season. And won’t be back til at least 2026. Had some HR issues and scary lefty splits too. Also, for the love of god, put Butto back in the rotation next year.

  4. Unfortunatley I had a feeling this was going to happen. I try to keep the pre-emptive Debby downer thoughts to a minimum until something happens that proves my suspicions. Dr Keith Meister was on a podcast this year talking about the TJ epidemic. And what he has seen on the operating table. Is that the more horizontal pitches and spin you are incurring drastically increases the inevitability of needing TJ.

    The truth is a lot of what makes Scott effective is his extreme horizontal break. Which unfortunatley is like the worst thing if ur trying to avoid TJ.

    The good news is the hybrid internal brace TJ has a faster recovery then normal full repair TJ with no brace. But yea still probably 1 year anyway. So rip his 2025 pretty much

    Sucks but its better for the long term to do it now and I wish he did it earlier this year.

    And it’s good we know now before the offseason so Stearns can shop accordingly in FA. I think a restructured deal with Sean Manea just became a lot more likely at minimum. If Severino is willing to work with us on price then maybe even both of them now.

  5. Honestly, I’m kind of relieved. It felt inevitable that Christian Scott was going to have TJS at some point. Better for it to be sooner rather than later I think.

  6. I mean you had to see this coming once they announced the injury. Once you damage the ligament, even if it’s a low grade, it’s compromised. With the violence of a pitching motion there is almost no chance it doesn’t lead to a full tear in the future.

  7. “Why did we wait?” “Why didn’t he do this sooner?” etc.

    Nobody wants surgery. Nobody wants to go through the recovery process. It’s painful, it sucks, you’re laid up for a while, overall a terrible experience.

    These guys are real people in charge of their own bodies. If there was a true path to rehab and avoid surgery, like Masahiro Tanaka did, then these guys are obviously going to want to explore that.

    Regardless of whether he had the surgery a couple months ago or this week, he wasn’t going to be back until 2026.

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