Does Malik Willis want to prove the Titans wrong, per se, if he starts Sunday? “I could care less, bro. I think I got paid the whole time I was there. I’m more than blessed for the opportunity they’ve given me. They brought me into this league… they (did) great job by me, for all I’m concerned.”

Does Malik Willis want to prove the Titans wrong, per se, if he starts Sunday? “I could care less, bro. I think I got paid the whole time I was there. I’m more than blessed for the opportunity they’ve given me. They brought me into this league… they (did) great job by me, for all I’m concerned.”

  1. He thinks he was paid the whole time? Was Amy slipping a few pennies out of his contract to fund the new stadium

  2. I hope he does well in every game except for when we play against him. By all accounts Malik always seemed like a fantastic person and teammate, it just didn’t work out for him here.

  3. It doesn’t fit the narrative of athletes where you’re supposed to be this dumbass who is constantly going “they doubted me. They doubted me. THEY DOUBTED ME!!!!”

    I like the new wave of them who understand it’s a business and are gracious that they will likely earn more as a 21-23 year old than their friends will in their entire 20’s.

    We all know he’s likely studying right now so the “macho man” bit is for the birds.

  4. Nah, he saw how he played here. Shouldn’t be mad. Hope nothing but the best for him but he can’t expect anything different based on his time here. Probably wants to show he is better than he was here but I don’t see an axe to grind.

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