Jay Robins: “Anthony Richardson has the 5th highest drop % on his attempts… Colts pass catchers need to step up.”

Jay Robins: “Anthony Richardson has the 5th highest drop % on his attempts… Colts pass catchers need to step up.”

  1. His receivers at Florida dropped a lot of balls too. AR improving his accuracy and touch will probably help guys cut down on the drops. Not every ball needs to be a heat seeking missile

  2. Tbh, a lot of these drops were not piss missiles either so i don’t want people acting like he’s throwing heaters all the time

    Mainly just needs to throw it where the receiver doesn’t need to adjust as much

  3. Part of that is ball placement. A receiver should absolutely never drop a ball that hits him right in the numbers, but sometimes balls are thrown to awkward places and the catch is difficult. It’s still a drop, but it’s a more understandable one. Richardson has had some drops on perfect passes, but he’s also had quite a few that would have been difficult catches. Even when he’s “on target,” he’s not particularly accurate.

  4. Confused at how they calculate this…he’s only attempted 53 passes, how does he have 10.3% drops? That would mean we have 5.459 drops…are they not counting uncatchable balls or something?

  5. Besides the O-Line and JT this team from top to bottom has been a fucking disaster. I give AR some leaway because of his inexperience, but fuck this team is not lookimg good.

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