Fuck Brad May. Who has the best hands in Avs history?

Fuck Brad May. Who has the best hands in Avs history?

  1. Let’s go off the normal thought pattern here. Patrick Roy. You expect skaters to have stick skills but Roy could play a solid pick and flash a glove hand like few ever

  2. They didn’t call Milan “Magic Hands” for nothing.

    And as Peter used to say, “He can score in a phone booth.”

  3. Not to be overly picky, but its weird to me that Forsberg is best forward yet Sakic is ā€œbest.ā€ Logically that doesnā€™t make sense. Maybe there should be a best power forward and Forsberg can take that one. These grids should have ā€œbest playmakerā€ too

  4. Forsberg was the king of holding on to the puck with dudes all over him, then dropping insane passes, or wrap around goals where it didn’t seem like he could possibly have the puck that long. Most of the time he was only using one hand on his stick, the other was fighting off an opponent!

  5. kadri nickname is nifty mitts lol he’s pretty good at puck handling but wouldn’t necessarily vote for him

  6. Chris Drury did some unbelievably slick moves through multiple people often. Like the Allen Iverson of hockey.

  7. Peter Forsberg, again.

    Once he got the puck, no one was getting it back until a scoring opportunity occurred.

    Also, it pleases me to see that everyone on this Reddit hates Brad May as an Avs player as much as I do.

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