Lions owner Sheila Hamp named one of the 50 most influential figures in sports.

Lions owner Sheila Hamp named one of the 50 most influential figures in sports.

  1. She has really done a lot to change the culture of this team. The turnaround has been amazing. As an out-of-state fan, whenever someone finds out I am a Lions fan the reaction is positive compared to the past.

    Also: Hot DAMN she looks good for 72.

  2. I thought Sports Illustrated was a 100% AI operation now, or did they bring real humans back on?

  3. I knew it was different when she was asking Brad Holmes about a WR in the first draft. She heard the noise, she asked questions, she cared.

  4. It’s wild that after all these years of our ownership being a detriment to the team, we now have an owner that is an actual positive for this franchise. Sheila rocks. That video where they announced Spielman joining the ring of honor still brings tears to my eyes.

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