saw this the other day

now his heart injured I am sure…and he remains unsigned

  1. Good. keep Michael “Always mad and toxic on Twitter” Thomas ass away and also deal glass cannon Lattimore away

  2. Good riddance. When he was at the top of his game, man, there was no other. But, lordy, what a diva.

  3. Fans are insufferable. They’ll defend an alleged sexual assaulter and want him back in the team but routinely shit on one of the best receivers to ever wear black/gold because he was often injured.

    Fuck that, Can’t Guard Mike was fantastic for us and pushed himself trying to get Drew one last ring. Will forever be appreciative of his contributions.

  4. The injury bug definitely hit Mike hard. His attitude also added to his issues, but it’s crazy how much he’s fallen out of grace. I’m sure someone will give him another shot at some point, but just five years ago he was one of the best receivers in the league.

    I look at him similar to Jimmy Graham. Granted Jimmy is back in fans’ good graces, but both were on the path to successful careers until their egos got the better of them. Again injury hit them both, but their egos added to their issues.

  5. While I’m not cheering at his absence, I do find it comforting that we finally moved on. No more “if only Thomas was healthy, he woulda caught that etc”

    It’s over now, for better or worse… and the team is better for it. Hes a legend BUT probably shoulda be out of black and gold a while ago.

  6. The injuries were a shame, but he just became a waste of cap space. Only played 20 games in the last 5 years.

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