After years of speculation, a new Ottawa Senators arena will finally be built at the LeBreton Flats. Great news for Sens fans but specially for the city of Ottawa.

After years of speculation, a new Ottawa Senators arena will finally be built at the LeBreton Flats. Great news for Sens fans but specially for the city of Ottawa.

  1. I poopoo on the Sens, and Ottawa as a city if I am being honest, a lot, but this is a really great turn of events.

    I wonder if downtown shops will stay open past 3:45 p.m. on game nights.

  2. American brain: I thought it said “Kim Radius” as in, that’s the architect, and I was like, “Wild! What are the odds?”

  3. I think with this Ottawa will be the perfect case study on why arenas in the suburbs outside of the downtown core are largely unsustainable outside a handful of cases.

  4. Where did “Kettleman’s Basilica” come from? Is the creator of that diagram just having a laugh?

  5. Ah finally some great news for the Sens! Don’t care much about that team but I’m glad for their fans.

  6. Funny how quickly things change for the better once a really shitty owner no longer owns a team!

    If only they could force Buffalo’s owners to quit hockey altogether…

  7. If they really do name it Kettleman’s Basilica I will be immensely pleased. For context Kettleman’s is a 24 hour bagel chain in Ottawa.

  8. Selfishly wish it wasn’t happening as we come from the west to watch games, but will likely breathe some life back into the franchise which will be great to see

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