Kaliyev signed one year deal


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  2. I guess maybe the idea is new system so he might finally work. But by the end of last season I was under the impression that he wanted out very badly.

  3. No offense to Arty but he just can’t mentally handle the pro game. It doesn’t come naturally to him like it had his whole life and he really hasn’t added anything to his game since he came up.

    He’s a talented goal scorer but there’s a reason a lot of those guys stay in the AHL their whole careers.

  4. He has a high ceiling but idk. We’ll see how this season goes for him. The system change is something but I’m not buying into it yet. Need to see results on the ice. The effort this team put in last season was beyond disappointing

  5. I’m keeping an open mind.

    Kaliyev didn’t really fit in the McLellan system. While he has a great slap shot, he was weak on the defensive end. We have no idea what type of system Hiller is going to implement. Kaliyev may or may not fit in the new system.

    At this point, it is up to Kaliyev. There are plenty of young guys that will gladly take his spot, so he needs to figure out how to fit in and contribute.

  6. Honestly, I don’t see this moving the needle at all. He wouldn’t be a King if he had any trade value whatsoever. This is probably just a last ditch effort to see if they can salvage anything at this point. With all the young guys fighting for roster spots this year, I doubt he gets any meaningful minutes.

  7. He better have a great training camp or he could find himself on waivers heading to the AHL.

  8. IMO he is getting traded. Maybe he will play some games to prove he has value first since there were no takers before. Not sure if he even makes the Kings opening roster, but today they had him Lewis and Thomas, which seems like a reasonable 4th line (although Turcotte probably has more use as another center that can play W).

  9. Aren’t they reporting that he left the ice today after taking a big hit from Burroughs? If true this kid can’t catch a break!

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