The Miami Heat Season Depends on This ONE Thing…

The Miami Heat Season Depends on This ONE Thing…

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  1. our offense last season made me wanna throw up!! we need jimmy to give a fuck and herro needs to be more consistent especially with his threes. duncan, bam, and jaime were my faves to watch last season.

    that being said, defense has never really been Miami's issue. Its been point guard and offense. When they had Kyle Lowry for his last two good years, one coming off the bench and running the bench like a perfect floor general, the Heat were lethal. But he obviously aged out. Getting a very good point guard should be number one on their list, and it cant just be a score first option. Offense is also important, because Jimmy isn't a scorer, hes a defensive corner slasher who will take clutch shots, but his first choice is never to score the ball, neither is Bam. He's taking more shots now and thats amazing but it doesnt come natural to him. Herro is very consistent. He's a 20 pt guy, you know that is what you will get. If they had a reliable scorer, their games wouldn't be such gritty defensive struggles, therefore there would be less injuries.

    2 years ago, even a year ago, it wouldve been reasonable to say give away all draft capital and cap space for just one superstar PG, get the ring. But Jimmy isn't Himmy Buckets anymore. The only thing I'm interested to see is if old habits die hard and Jimmy runs his mouth a little too much to media and Riley in turn alienates his star player like he did Lebron.

  3. Jimmy definitely gotta lock in, but Pat riley shoulda locked in years ago after the first finals run or after than first round exit

    Side note: I love having spo as my coach, but he has gotta change up the offensive scheme. Shooting more middies than a kd dbook led team is sick work

  4. I think Ware is going to help when it comes to offensive pressure on the rim. Miami’s huge problem (no pun intended) is size. Miami’s biggest player on the floor most of the time is only 6’9. And bigger teams killed Miami last year (especially Denver)

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