[Arpon Basu] Lane Hutson blue line to blue line saucer pass about 15 feet in the air on the tape to Emil Heineman for a breakaway. The crowd ooohed and aaahed.

[Arpon Basu] Lane Hutson blue line to blue line saucer pass about 15 feet in the air on the tape to Emil Heineman for a breakaway. The crowd ooohed and aaahed.

  1. Can’t wait for the Basu & Godin notebook to start up again, I’m so sick of Marinaro but I need my Habs fix

  2. I have been sold – lock, stock, and barrel – on Express Lane since he was drafted. But I wasn’t prepared for this level of vision and passing; I thought he was a “puck hog” (in all the best ways).

    This guy is going to have a career for the books.

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