Randle and Kayden in a NYC FC jersey is the crossover I always wanted NEWYORKISBLUE FORTHECITY

Randle and Kayden in a NYC FC jersey is the crossover I always wanted NEWYORKISBLUE FORTHECITY

  1. Wish NYCFC was around when my pops was still living in NY, we would definitely be fans. Fuck NYRB

  2. City (Manchester) fan here since 1988, Knicks fan since 2018 and this picture rocks. Manchester/New York is blue.

  3. I walked right past him on the way in. Actually recognized the wife and kid first and then looked up (way up) and it was him.

  4. Man city literally the antithesis of the knicks man, this ain’t it.

    We ride with this team no matter what, as bad as it gets. City is the best team in the world and the Etihad is noiseless.

  5. Don’t love these jerseys but love the dudes

    I guess I’m forced to be an NYCFC fan?

    Yankee fan and they own a part of the club. Don’t really have a club soccer team. But w Yankees, Rangers, Knicks and Giants I guess I gotta go with NYCFC

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