As John Blake steps back, spotlight shines on Texas Rangers PR man’s one-of-a-kind efforts

As John Blake steps back, spotlight shines on Texas Rangers PR man’s one-of-a-kind efforts

  1. Evan Grant of *The Dallas Morning News* writes:

    >For nearly 40 years in Arlington – usually a bit disheveled, occasionally gruff, always prepared and exceptionally loyal to the franchise – it would be hard to argue that anybody has had a bigger hand in how the Rangers’ brand has matured. As the public relations man, then executive vice president for communications and lately public affairs, he has overseen the casting of virtually every story involving the team. He didn’t make the stories, but he spun them into myths when possible and managed them with honesty when crises arose (which was often).

    >He helped create a sense of history for a franchise that had none, establishing the club’s Hall of Fame in 2003 and entering it as an inductee 21 years later.

    >“I don’t know that there has been anyone in our organization who has worked harder, invested more time and put more heart and soul into the team than John Blake,” said no one less than Mr. Ranger himself, Tom Grieve. “And that includes players, coaches and executives.”

    >Which is why it’s hard to imagine that on Sunday the Rangers will honor Blake as he prepares to “retire from full-time employment,” on Nov. 1 after 46 years in baseball, 36 of which have been with the Rangers. Blake is expected to step back into a part-time and consulting role, though nobody around the club can quite find a way to put Blake, 69, and “part-time” into the same sentence.

    >As the club’s unofficial historian, he will continue to help build the team’s legacy initiatives, conduct a series of popular ballpark tours, oversee team publications and consult, particularly in crisis management (of which there has never been a shortage).

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