Jacoby Brissett Passing Chart

Jacoby Brissett Passing Chart

  1. Earlier I made rushing charts for many of the top RB’s around the league and people seemed to enjoy them. Now I’m diving into QB charts.

    The field is divided into 9 segments based on pass direction (left, middle, and right) and passing depth (short, medium, and deep). Short’ is 0-9 yards, ‘medium’ is 10-19 yards, and ‘deep’ is 20+ yards. Note that these are air yards, meaning a screen pass that gains 50 yards after the catch would be recorded as only the distance it traveled in the air—around 2 yards, for example.

    Each of the 9 segments displays three basic stats: completions, attempts, and completion percentage.

    A perfectly white square indicates the completion percentage is exactly at the median of all passes thrown in 2023. The colors intensify as the completion percentage moves further away from the median—darker red for below average and darker green for above average.

    Each segment’s color is based on the completion percentage relative to that specific segment’s median. For example, a 50% completion rate on deep middle passes will be green (above median), while the same rate on short middle passes will be red (below median).

    This is my first attempt at this type of chart, so I’d really appreciate any feedback!

  2. /r/DataIsDisgusting

    Nice chart. Brutal to see. Was really hoping this season’s gameplan would have been able to be run, run, run, huge play action pass, run.

  3. The WCO is known for its short passing attack used as an extension of the running game as a way to eat up clock and control the game / clock.

    Tom Brady made defenses look stupid by feeding the ball to Troy Brown, Wes Welker, and Julian Edelman.
    Not to mention all the work Gronk and the numerous TEs did over the years .

    While this is a piece in the puzzle as to why the offense is impotent, this isn’t the whole reason.

  4. So what I am seeing is we need to draw up every play to left – medium depth and we will be unstoppable.

  5. He’s simply just not good at it. He is just the perfect guy to take hits, humbly stick to their plan of a running game, mentoring the younger QBs, not throwing too many interceptions, and not being a diva about it.

    I already mentally prepared myself for this. It’s not like they are purposely trying to lose. They just know the pieces they do and don’t have.

    Barmore and Bentley possibly out. Sow was supposed to start and is out. Some expect Maye by game 4 or 5, but I think Jacoby will tough it out and continue to take the hits till like a game 8.

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