25k strong at the game today

25k strong at the game today

  1. It’s a college football Saturday. Why go watch a team that’s just been mathematically eliminated from the postseason, when you can watch your favorite major college team play a non-conference game they’re likely to win?

  2. Had free tickets to today’s game and couldn’t bring myself to go. Way too hot to watch a subpar team limping into the off-season. And free tickets still mean $100 for gas, parking, and food. But hey there’s always next year.

  3. “Where ya gonna go?”


    Yes, like the other comments, college football Saturday, heart of homecoming dance season, eliminated from playoffs. It all contributes. Just a shame it was like this for Elly’s 25th homer

  4. In all fairness, the shaded sections of the upper deck were pretty crowded. It was damn hot today. That being said, most of those people were friends and family of the 312 Oak Hills middle schoolers who sang the anthem before the game (myself included).

  5. lol, I wish it was like back in the old days, where they just used the turnstile numbers, not “number of tickets sold”

  6. Obviously ticket sales don’t reflect attendance but is this picture well before the game? Is that the on deck circle hanging over the fence in the bottom right?

  7. Just to be fair, this picture was clearly taken 30 minutes before first pitch. I know this because my group is in this picture and the combo of people not in the pic happened because of pre game bathroom breaks. The crowd wasn’t huge and 25k was pushing it. But this is not what it looked like for majority of the game.

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