This dude really talking about LeBron?

This dude really talking about LeBron?

  1. Paul Pierce age 39 season with the Clippers

    3.2 – 1.9 – 0.4 – 5.7 PER

    Fuck off Kwame. You have no room to talk. You are a bonafide scrub!

  2. You won’t find a guy who loved watching mid range scorers more than myself, but statistics killed that part of the game, not any reluctance of LBJ or any other player to incorporate it.

    Also, kwame of all people? Come on.

  3. While I’m not comfortable with Lebron doing an iso midrange pull up, he is very much a capable midrange shooter. Around 40% since 2010. Certainly not all time great or elite, but not bad. Somewhere around above average.

    And saying Lebron has no post up game is laughable. Is it as skilled or deep as someone like Kobe’s? No, but it’s very much methodical and capable. His midrange baseline fadeaway is butter, and he can very much take advantage of size advantages to back down his defender and score or leverage a double team for an open shot. Kwame brown is just an idiotic hater

  4. No offence to the great Kobe but if I was to pick one area to be weak in I’d pick midrange n ft like Bron. In the modern game you don’t need the midrange as much even tho it can be useful

  5. Ironic how arguably the biggest draft bust in NBA history is talking trash about Bron who is arguably the GOAT. Kwame Brown is a joke and should never be allowed to talk basketball simple as that.

  6. No disrespect but it’s coming from kwame brown. Probably doesn’t even watch the game anymore after he was gone. I wouldn’t if I was him after the disrespect he got

  7. The narrative that Lebron has no bag and no shooting ability is one of the most bs in the history of the nba

  8. so we’re just gonna ignore the fact that Lebron did exactly this back in 2010 & was mentored by the all time great post player HAKEEM THE DREAM OLAJUWON

  9. He’s wrong on this one but worst player? You don’t play 12 years being the worst. Just drafted too high

  10. One of about five players I’ve seen in almost 40 years as a Lakers fan who got booed by the home crowd. Pretty much speaks for itself.

  11. LeBron most definitely had a middy. He’s been showing that shit off almost deliberately to prove a point in the past few seasons but he’s always had a middy. He just doesn’t use it because it’s more efficient to get the layup or dunk

  12. Kwame “Tiny Stone Hands” couldn’t catch the ball but had the best birthday cake tossing game in the league.

  13. Lebron was in the league back in 03. there were still dudes from the 90s playing ball around that time and he was getting buckets then too.

  14. LeBron is the most well-rounded offensive player the league has ever seen. Kwame Brown had the physical gifts, but he was never intelligent enough to be great. Nor does he have the ability to recognize it.

  15. The funniest thing about this that no one seems to mention, Lebron is an absolute beast in the post. It’s largely why Miami was able to win titles. He PPP in the post are among the best in the league. He is an excellent passer out of the post.

    Kwame is right that he doesn’t do the dribble to a spot pull up. And who cares. The point of that move is because older players can no longer get to the rim. Lebron still generates good shots and creates for others. Kwame should understand why players do what they do. He isn’t some Redditor.

  16. Kwame’s only role was to be a big traffic cone on defense. His biggest contribution was getting us Pau Gasol. Last person who should ever talk about offensive skills.

  17. Stephen A Smith Voice:
    Kwame Brown? Kwame Brown? Who the hell is Kwame Brown? The most notable thing Kwame Brown did in the NBA was get traded for Pau Gasol!

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