Scottie’s ex spilling the tea ☕️

Scottie’s ex spilling the tea ☕️

  1. He met someone else, sorry. I’m guessing during her ‘support and move’ she was heavily financially supported to do all that too. She’s just upset she wasn’t the one pregnant and missed out on her meal ticket. Is studying for a master’s harder in Canada or something? Why is it even a thing to say ‘moved to another country while studying for a master’s’?

  2. There’s that ultra competitive work ethic and win at all costs attitude we be hearing about since draft day

  3. *“He got that ambition, baby, look at his eyes/ This week, he moppin’ floors, next week, it’s the fries/
    So stick by his side/
    I know there’s dudes ballin’, and yeah, that’s nice/
    And they gon’ keep callin’ and tryin’, but you stay right, girl/
    And when he get on, he’ll leave yo’ ass for a white girl”*

  4. Damn people here are mad heartless lol

    You telling me if you held it down for your girl/guy for years when they was tryna make it big, move to another country for them, they suddenly dump you and have a baby due in months, you gonna look in the mirror and go “damn skill issue. But it’s their right, I can’t get mad.”?

    If you seriously think that’s a normal ass occurrence in dating, I need you to to touch grass.

    Is it his right to break up? Yeah.
    Is it still fucked up? Hell yeah.

    I’m not declaring if it’s true or not, but if it is, that’s fucked up.

  5. I can’t really get into someone’s personal business like that but we gotta remember these athletes aren’t role models. Scottie’s our guy and we root for him but no one here can personally vouch for who he really is as a person.

  6. Relationships are the best and worst part of life. Glad she’s working it out. Sounds like Scottie isn’t looking back. Hope she finds a nice Canadian too. 😉

  7. I really could not give less fucks what Scottie is up to in his personal life, or what his ex says.

    As long as he’s hooping who cares what this lady has to say?

  8. “He said I’d never be his main. And here’s video evident evidence as to why.”

    seriously keep this shit among your girls no one cares

  9. This is a lot of salt and the “white girl” comment really seal the deal on the “im salty i fumbled the bag” messaging here

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