I bought this so you don’t have to

– 35/1 cup odds is higher than I expected to see. Here are a few noteworthy teams with worse odds: Seattle (45/1), St. Louis (61/1), LA (36/1), and many more.
– The points projections on the final page seem much lower than I would’ve anticipated. Keller, for example is projected to hit 80 points, but he’s already scored more than that on much worse Coyotes teams than this year’s roster. Guenther around 64 feels about right, if a little conservative, but I feel Cooley, Schmaltz, Maccelli, and Sergachev (barring major injuries) should all produce more than their projections.

Super curious to hear the rest of y’all’s thoughts!

1 comment
  1. I can’t complain about those cup odds, we’re definitely still a team with room to grow before we’re contenders.

    But Keller’s projection is definitely too low, and I think Cooley will outperform as well. And it seems like I’m much higher on Maveric’s potential than they are. I hope the team can prove them wrong this year!

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