Too early?!

Too early?!

  1. Aiyuk needs to be benched for a few games. And learn how to catch again. For fuck sake. Over him.

  2. I have no business dying if some of these guys can’t bother putting in effort and focus when it matters

  3. There was a thread about cuts, they shoulda cut Bell. Also aiyuk dropping passes and even in the last part of the game is classic 2024 aiyuk. He got the bag and now hes a bag of ass.

  4. Fuck special teams. I’m sick of blocked punts. Missing FG. Allowing run back in critical moments. Allowing fake punts for 1st downs!

    Fuck camp hold outs with your fucking IVs and miss catching that hit you in the hands

    Fuck Ronnie Bell.

  5. The defense is giving up too many big plays or penalties, offense sputters inside the 20, mental mistakes are abundant and our key players are either hurt or playing horribly.

  6. Bell dropping a perfectly thrown pass directly to his hands that would’ve won us the game. Absolutely unreal. And after Jennings had THAT game, Bell does THAT!?

  7. Why the fuck is Ronnie bell in our team man, every time the dude touches the ball I cringe, get rid of him ffs!!!

  8. We’ve lost 3 SBs in the last 15 years, losing this game ain’t so bad, although it does suck

  9. Extending Aiyuk was an absolute mistake. He went so hard for the bag because he KNEW he’d never repeat the season he just had and KNEW there’d never be another opportunity for a bag. And the Niners did right by their guy and are going to pay for it going forward smh. BA is going to doom this franchise mark my words.

  10. Incredible how many chokes had to happen in a row for the Niners to lose this game. In the immortal words of Jim Mora: “We gave em the friggin game.”

  11. Bell deserves the hate but what’s up with the defense this year? They can’t get off the field on 3rd down to save their life. The secondary is out there hanging on every receiver picking up penalties.

  12. Bell deserves the hate but what’s up with the defense this year? They can’t get off the field on 3rd down to save their life. The secondary is out there hanging on every receiver picking up penalties.

  13. It’s week three, the schedule hasn’t gotten tough yet, and we’re already three games behind Seattle. This is gonna be a rough season

  14. Everyone not named Brock and Juan need to do some soul searching if they really want it or not. BA and Trent look ASS, go figure missing training camp has some impact.. Defense is bending AND breaking. Special teams can’t tackle to save their god damn life. Easy to blame this loss on missing Deebo, Kittle, and McCaffery but they had it in the bag and just fucked it. Masterclass in shitting the bed after a solid first half. Season over? No, but we need some soul searching and course correction before things get out of reach else wtf we pay all these dudes for this off season…

  15. nope. this is appropriate. Defense just not in sync and at this point, gotta question Sorenson’s experience.

    Lets also not forget that Bell has hands of stone and a beauty of a ball bounces right off his hands

  16. There’s a lot wrong with today. All I know is I don’t ever want to hear again how Purdy is only good because of the players around him. Brock did everything for that win today – absolute stud. Fuck Ronnie Bell and Aiyuk. I’m more made at 11 than anyone else considering the offseason vs his performance this season so far.

    Williams too, cramping up and missing plays because he’s out of fucking shape

  17. Everyone blaming Bell bit why the fuck werent we once again running the damn ball with a lead late in the fourth, the only time they stopped Mason was one time at the goal line, he shoulda been running down their throats that drive that ended with the missed FG

  18. Here comes the Aiyuk hate when Kyle was giving Jennings 4.8 self post routes with Aiyuk running drags in the slot. This shit is on Kyle and Sorensen

  19. ronnie bell is a professional football wide receiver. ronnie and i have the same amount of catches tonight

  20. Aiyuk has now learned that playing against trees is not equivalent to training camp. God damnit

  21. This felt like a typical playoff loss. Be dominant. Go up by 10. Then have everything go wrong in the end where if one thing is different, we win. Special teams botched. Lateral so close to working. BA wide open. Missed kick. Sigh

    I can’t believe I’ve witnessed 4 nfc championship losses and 3 Super Bowl losses. I seriously need to make an attempt to not care about this team so much because it’s so heartbreaking to get so close and then lose it all

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