Interesting comments from Contreras

"There's some areas that need to be addressed," Willson Contreras said this afternoon. "I don't know if the front office is going to, but…we didn't come together as an offense at all, during the whole year. There's a lot of holes throughout the lineup as well, from 1 to 9…"

He certainly has a point. It will be interesting to see how they are received by the front office.

  1. The team, and everyone else, thought that two of the holes (Arenado and Goldschmidt) were already plugged. If they had produced as expected, this would have been a completely different season

  2. Yes please put the FO on blast. Especially when they didn’t have your back last year. They deserve all the hate they receive. They have no idea what’s going on anymore. Truly a team without direction

  3. In anticipation of blowback from FO, i propose a “KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF MY WILLY, MO” poster for all the Cardinals fans in Denver and SF to take to the games.

  4. Philosophical differences.

    After they threw him under the bus last season, I am all for Willson calling out this front office for its failures.

  5. Hope he knows the fan base is right behind him telling it straight. FO put him on blast unjustly last season, let him put them on blast but this time it’s justified

  6. I honestly don’t blame hit at all for this.

    Especially with the scapegoat bullshit the front office tossed in his direction last year.

  7. No matter what facade the PR people will try to sell us, there is clear dysfunction and grumbling within the clubhouse. 

  8. It’s not a huge deal but this really isn’t his job. I’d be pretty annoyed if my teammate said this

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