44 has spoken

44 has spoken

  1. Just looked out my window and saw Zaire in full uniform pacing in my yard, someone help I’m scared

  2. I love Z great story being basically a forgotten pick, special teamer and becoming a starter. But yall put two ASS games on film, now he and speed had a great game yesterday but until you stack that I’m not ready to say he’s “back”

  3. I still think he’s mostly an empty stat guy. Lots of tackles, but not enough actually meaningful/impactful plays.

    However, I am willing to be the sacrificial lamb. Zaire, if you see this, I hope my comment pisses you off to no end and it makes you play like you did for most of the game yesterday, every game.

  4. Ok he had a good game but it wasn’t great. Was I the only one who saw all the missed open field tackles he had during the game?

    Like some one mentioned he plays the role of mlb but not gonna stretch and call him an X factor on defense

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