[Demetrius] Someone close to #Jaguars owner Shad Khan to me tonight says this is: “angrier than I have ever seen Shad, He is usually a reserved, kind gentleman. Not tonight

[Demetrius] Someone close to #Jaguars owner Shad Khan to me tonight says this is: “angrier than I have ever seen Shad, He is usually a reserved, kind gentleman. Not tonight

  1. even if something doesn’t happen this week writing is on the wall for Baalke + Doug and his cronies barring some miracle. this team isn’t going to finish remotely close to the playoffs this year and that was the expectation

  2. Would explain why Doug came out late, guess he got an ultimatum(either beat the Texans or he is fired).

  3. Maybe that horrendous game is the wake up call he needed. The stupid mistakes that cost us one score games can be worked on but humiliating ourselves on national freaking TV can’t be overlooked.

    I have admitted time and time again that I’m one of the biggest Trevor dick riders here. I want him to be elite. This whole freaking team is so talented. They need to start playing like the other team fucked their wives. I’ve been a Jags fan since Day 1. Before most of the freaking players were even born so you know I’ve seen some shit. This is one of the most humiliating experiences I’ve ever had as Jags fan. I literally went to a bar to watch the game cause I don’t have cable. I was decked out in Jags gear. What a total freaking idiot I looked like. It was so bad that the bartendress literally gave me my meal on the house cause she felt so bad . I told her don’t but she wouldn’t take NO for an answer. She got a very nice tip though.

    I won’t watch Jags games anymore. I’ll check in here every so often during game time but that’s it. We play the Texans next. What a massacre that’ll be.

    Good night.

  4. Let’s be real. Shad won’t do a damn thing. This is the same guy who let Dave Caldwell ruin his team for years. Trent will still be here to blow another first overall pick on a project pick Travon Walker. Shad sucks. He is the problem at this point.

  5. Even if Shad does something – does anyone have any confidence that he’ll make the correct upgrades/ hires??

    This is the same guy who thought hiring Trent Baalke was a smart thing to do in the first place . And Baalke is the root of where a LOT of the Jaguars issues fall.

    So, help is not on the way

  6. This reminds me of the 2016 Oakland-Tennessee on Thursday Night Football week. In front of the nation, get blown out and remind everyone that this is why the Jaguars aren’t in national tv more often.

    Shad should have fired Gus after that Thursday night blowout. If they don’t show life against Houston, I think you have to make a change.



    Chicago in London

    New England

    If they can’t beat Chicago and New England, it’s over.

  7. Told yall we’d be lucky to win 5 games this year based on the problems we had last year, and the fact that none of them were addressed. Baalke was a cancer that built a trash team, just like in SF. Doug kept his shitty staff which os what got him fired in Philly, and we lost the creative mind we had on offense the first year with Doug in JBC

  8. and what is he going to do? He’s not going to fire him until after the year ends, if even does it.

    Also, I’m very worried he will give Doug 1 more year because he gave Gus and Marrone 4 years each.

  9. And he’ll write a strongly worded email to Doug and Press telling them they have until the end of next season to figure this out

  10. Perhaps now he might actually anger himself into finding the right football people to run this operation…

    He’s a joke… the teams been garbage 90% of his ownership. Only thing going for him is he’s the only minority owner and his kid wastes his money with a sports entertainment business

    Team will be better off the first day he sells to someone serious but the organization will inevitably move by then

  11. Modernize this team ffs. Everything we were doing looks like it came out of a 2010s handbook on how to play football.

    Use motion on offense and disguised fronts on defense, is it really that hard to implement?

  12. Why should we care Shad Khan is angry?

    Let’s look at the facts

    He has a whooping 31% win rate as the owner of the franchise.

    Over the last decade we have the worst win percentage of any of the major 4 sports leagues. This includes baseball, football, basketball, and hockey.

    In 2017 we had one of the greatest defenses of all time and were a play away from making the Superbowl. Instead of looking forward we rallied around Miles Jack Wasn’t down and being the victim of Brady era reffing. In the following draft we could’ve become Lamar Jacksonville Jaguars instead we extended Blake Bortles.

    We lucked into landing Trevor Lawrence one of the most lauded QB prospects of all time. And promptly ruined his rookie season with Urban Meyer.

    We are now 3 seasons into having the worst line in the league and still have Trent Baalke running the show with seemingly no accountability of why we hadn’t addressed our biggest need.

    So why does it matter now when it so clearly has not mattered to him before this exact moment?

  13. Problem is, there’s nothing he can do. Sure, fire Doug, fire Baalke. But they have to be replaced, along with maybe some members of the team.

    But which players? Which coach can fix this? Which GM can fix this?

    Football is a business that money alone can’t fix, which is why some owners look so incompetent.

  14. Uh oh he’s gonna turn into a monster. Maybe like a werewolf or something, howling at the moon. Maybe they will be called the Jacksonville werewolves from here on.

  15. It was Baalke talking right? He’s already trying to position himself for a future with the team when he should be the first to go with all these bloated contracts for mid players.

  16. Ben Johnson should be given a blank check to come to Jacksonville. He made Goff go from castoff first round pick (huh sounds like a boat Trevor is gonna end up in) to franchise QB for a Super Bowl contender. The construction of this team isn’t terrible. On paper it’s good. They drastically overestimated the most important part though being the Offensive line. Trevor has no confidence behind them. Last night, when he had a good 3rd quarter he was getting slaughtered. He’s turning into David Carr. Even the commentators were saying how teams want to pass rush vs the jags. Doug never solved any QBs. Wentz had that one year and then Foles won the SB. Before it was all Andy in KC. Charade is up. Go get an actual QB coach to coach our very talented but not coached QB.

  17. Idk what the answer is. I just know us being internet General Managers aint the answer either. A lot is wrong with this team. I think DP was the right guy to get after the Urban Meyer disaster. He helped steady a ship, get some
    Order in the building – but now his message might just be white noise. We need a new coach, who isnt going to baby Lawrence, will use ETN the way he should be used (in space, not in between the tackles) and get creative.

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