[Clifford] Tyler Stephenson said he doesn’t believe accountability was ever an issue under David Bell. Despite Bell’s staunch stance on avoiding negativity in interviews — Stephenson notes Bell’s direct approach in one-on-one meetings that regularly took place behind the scenes.

[Clifford] Tyler Stephenson said he doesn’t believe accountability was ever an issue under David Bell. Despite Bell’s staunch stance on avoiding negativity in interviews — Stephenson notes Bell’s direct approach in one-on-one meetings that regularly took place behind the scenes.

  1. Kindly, Tyler, you don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m a member of r/reds and I can assure there was never a shred of accountability in that locker room.

  2. I never understood the complaints from the handful of posters here who frequently criticized Bell’s boring press conferences and said he’s not a motivator because of how bland they were.

    Why would he call out his (mostly young) players when they’re getting enough criticism from everywhere else? He’s speaking to the press literally hundreds of times over the course of six months, frankly I’d prefer him to be boring and not give morons chum for clickbait and bad faith online takes. I think some people wanted him to be more like Lou Pinella, but when he did bust up that chair in the dugout he was being “performative”.

    I don’t know that he was doing enough to keep players accountable in these one-on-one meetings, and clearly mistakes need to be addressed and coaching needs to better prepare players for success. But judging how a guy handles the clubhouse based on what he tells C. Trent is asinine.

  3. Not the first time a player has come out in support of the coach. Not sure why it should move needles.

  4. The players liked Bell. However, his game rotations are weird and the platoon system has been a failure here in Cincy. We ranked near last in BA only ranking above teams like Seattle, Angels, and White Sox. Even the Oakland As have a higher BA. The only thing that keeps us in games is stealing bases. We HAVE to get on fucking base. Bell is often criticized for pitching bullpen decisions, but the simple fact is he failed on both sides of the game.

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