Wanted to show off my new Peyton Hillis jersey for Victory Monday but I guess I’ll settle for The Bengals Lost Tuesday

Bought this bad boy for $6 on Sunday morning

  1. In 2010, Hillis came into the Olive Garden I worked at and gave every girl working there who was a 5 or above his phone number.  A bunch of coworkers went out that night and took turns prank dialing him from a bar.  Good memories.

  2. I got one of these, too! When he left the team, I taped over the 0 and wrote “Dawson” with a sharpie on masking tape. Wore that one for years. 

  3. Hillis’s one 1200 yard season was so much fun. Finally we had another big bruising RB steam rolling guys. And Cleveland we love our RBs.

  4. That was my first jersey, and the only time I purchased a Madden game. The next season he fell off and got weird and I often blame myself for this happening since I bought his jersey and Madden.

    I donated my Hillis jersey to Goodwill years ago. If you got that from a second hand shop maybe it’s my old one. That would be cool if it was still floating around intact.

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