Jacob Markstrom new mask

Jacob Markstrom new mask

  1. This is one of my favorite masks. It looks terrifying with the red soul stealing eyes. The red marks on the white cage makes it look like blood splattered on it. A mask from hell!

  2. Goalie masks and their creative outlet are one of my favourite things about hockey rarely found in other team sports

  3. Out of all his helmets that this guys done for him, this is my least favourite. But it’s still sick.

    To be fair, the masks he had in Calgary were the coolest NHL masks I’ve ever seen. Along with the Carey Price robot brain helmet that the same guy made.

  4. This is his alternate one. Haven’t gotten a full 360 of his primary, but also looked amazing- we got a full classic NJ Devil theme

  5. Wish baseball catchers who wear the hockey style masks could do this kinda stuff. I wanna see some super sick helmets in MLB too.

  6. Marky always has some sick masks. His black flaming skull one he wore with the Blasty alts last year was so cool

  7. [Looks like this is another work by Jordan Bourgeault.](https://www.instagram.com/jboairbrush?igsh=MXZ5Z3RuNzg2Nm9obw==) He has done Markstrom’s masks the last couple of years. One of the big tells that this is his work is that he loves doing the cage and straps of the mask as well as the base helmet.

    [The work he did for Marky’s Heritage Classic mask is disgustingly good.](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0KF-fcxSOO/?igsh=ZnZrdDd4cW13eXYx) The amount of man hours put into it must have been ridiculous.

  8. Oh my dark fucking lord, I love it. As a former goalie, I think the red splatter on the cage would drive me bonkers though. It’ll be interesting to see if he keeps those all season long.

  9. Wish goalies would stop fucking around and be brave enough to get a skullet painted onto their bucket already

  10. Seeing a marky skull mask without the Tanev snaggle tooth 🥲

    Another sick mask and hope he has a good year in jersey 🔥

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