When we whine about our guys we sound just like Cowboys fans. Let’s root for BA, TW, and everyone else to turn it around, rather than boo them for their mistakes. We’re the faithful, where’s the faith?

When we whine about our guys we sound just like Cowboys fans. Let’s root for BA, TW, and everyone else to turn it around, rather than boo them for their mistakes. We’re the faithful, where’s the faith?

  1. Where was the faith in 2022 when we lost to the chiefs in the regular season, half the stadium was empty at half time.

  2. My favorite player on the team is Kittle because he’s always positive, encouraging his teammates, and having a never give up attitude. I wish this fan base would follow his lead. Bitching and moaning doesn’t help the team.

  3. Winning cures all. We’ve survived worse streaks and worse play than this. Ppl will be back on board if we can win some games.

  4. I think there’s a healthy middle ground, critiquing how a player has played or the way they handled something is fair game.

    I do think there’s are a good chunk of people that take it too far but to just want everyone to be happy and supportive when the team has played the way it has is rough to ask of all the different types of fans of the team.

  5. Aiyuk demanded the bag then showed up undeserving of that bag. It’s his own responsibility

    “Faith is a fact” – George Bluth Sr

  6. this critique is so tired, many of us have been fans for years and will continue to be fans even if they stink. sorry we’re not babying Trent and Brandon who both don’t look like All-Pros. plus there’s obvious frustration that the window might be closed.

  7. Trade him. I’m tired of hearing about it. He’s a diva and not worth 30M. They fucked up signing him. It’s okay to call it out for what it is.

  8. Let me know next time the Cowboys lose the Super Bowl in OT and then have their first first round pick in 3 years get shot the week before the season starts after two star players have obnoxious contract negotiation holdouts…

    Actually that sounds exactly like a Cowboys offseason ( except for the Super Bowl part).

  9. BA deserves it for sure right now. I’m not gonna make a post about it or call him names but you’re just being a weird internet guy if you think people should be like “ah shucks, well, sure hope he turns it around!” He better fuckin turn it around.

  10. I made a big time investment switch to baseball and made the realization that football fans are toxic as FUCK. Padres are having a great year and vibes are great but even when they weren’t, it was nothing like how fucking whiney football fans get.

    I am still here. 25 year SF watcher…but I’ll be honest and say the fan culture sucks balls and I am putting up boundaries.

  11. I for one enjoy the doom and gloom and the season is lost after we punt for the first time in a game crowd. Really shows how insanely dumb some fans are. Remember before Harbaugh? Remember after him? Remember before Kyle? Enjoy the team while it is good, becuase it won’t always be.

  12. The difference is he thought he was worth thar bag, acted like it, only to take the deal that was there—said himself he made it harder/dragged it out a month too long—

    Misses training camp, didn’t work out with Purdy(?) off-season, showed up rusty and it’s the third game of the season.

    The flak he is getting is well justified.

    You want that big contract, shut up, show up in shape and play like it.

    If you don’t, we can give you grief because it’s part of the business of being professional football players playing a sport that many of us wish we could get paid to do..

  13. I get it with Trent. We were better off trading BA. Now an above average WR2 is going to hamstring us cap-wise for the next four years.

  14. Up until they lost the Super Bowl, making a hangover likely, the 49ers look like they might be the only redeeming thing in Bay Area sports for quite a while from now

  15. that guys a lil bitch. he ain’t a real boys fan half of em aren’t ya i’m tired of the team sucking yea i have no hope and i’m over it but i don’t blame the players i blame ownership

  16. No issues with the players.

    Shannahan will never bring a ring to the bay tho – unfortunately.

    regardless of how many cool hats he wears

  17. Man fuck BA, all his poor play is 100% his fault. He wanted to get paid like a no1 so he needs to be putting up no1 numbers not getting stunted on by WR3

  18. Yes, with a but.

    I am of the mind that signing Aiyuk was a must-do, and even now was the absolute correct decision. The signing will pay off for us in the long run.

    Also, Aiyuk is absolutely a shell of himself right now, and has been a contributor to the team’s current struggles. It is an absolute bad look after everything that happened this off-season, because his struggles are 100% the result of his actions and behavior. He deserves criticism for his current situation.

    That said, Brandon Aiyuk will be fine in the long run, we’ll eventually forget about this, and even sitting at 1-2, it’s only Week 3 and the season is far from over. The 49ers will still be a top player in the NFC and still quite possibly a favorite to win the conference. 3 games does not define a season, for the player or the team.

  19. I’m not a sunshine and rainbows person. Suuuuper disappointed in the last few games, Aiyuk should’ve been playing better, the defense has been a crazy let down, and I will be very frustrated if we don’t see improvement and change as the season progresses. I will criticize players and coaching if the trend continues, but my issue is with crazy overreacting like above, on the Cowboys sub. I’m not at all interested in being a reactionary fan, because I trust this team to play better. 

  20. Criticism is not the same as whining if someone makes a movie and I explain what’s wrong with it and how it could be better that is valid criticism. Throwing out random shit like “Player X sucks!” or “Screw this team, I am done!” that shit is more like whining and offers nothing.

  21. Lots of “fans” need to develop some interests outside of watching football. Then you may be won’t get so emotional about a player

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